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Kano State, Nigeria.

Another long awaited day in the palace has arrived, the day of the naming ceremony. A lot has happened for the past seven days and Falak could only say Alhamdulillah. She wanted to rest first before the naming ceremony but her mother told her it's better to do it then, sooner than later and not to talk about everyone expecting the naming ceremony to happen exactly seven days after the babies were born like the tradition. She agreed and the day has finally arrived in front of them and truthfully, she is not looking forward to forcing so much smiles and the talks she will have to do. She wish she was Shaddad and can leave the palace and come back whenever she wants, no one will question her.

Before she even got out from bed, she could already feel the exhaustion awaiting her for the day ahead. She managed to force Shaddad to stay for a couple of photos later and he hesitantly agreed. She yawed her attention to the huge crib that has her three children sleeping soundly inside. That has been her routine whenever she opens her eyes, she makes sure to land them on her babies before going on to do whatever it is that she wants to do. She was used to looking at them like a creep all the time.

Shaddad is sleeping also but she set alarm around nine am knowing her mother won't let her sleep in when they have a huge event in front of them. She got out of bed and woke Shaddad up who groggily made his way to the bathroom with her along. After taking bath together, they made their way to the closet and changed into something casual. She took Safeer while he took Sabeer and Sabeeha. They gave them a bath like they were instructed to do. They have to sit down on the ottoman placed in the bathroom before bathing the babies. It is fun seeing the kids playing in the huge bowl.

They are not really playing but seeing them looking strangely at the water then looking around is exciting. There is no moment with them that Falak don't appreciate. She's already done one video with them cradled in their arms while she told them what happened at the hospital and Shaddad chirp in saying she gave him a fright and explained the terror he went through. She also found out that Safeer don't have the birthmark before his ear and it is only Sabeer that has it. She thanked Allah for that or she will keep embarrassing herself time and time again.

The weirdest thing she found out is Sabeer's eyes. They are the lightest shade of brown she has ever seen in her whole life. When she first saw his eyes, she shrieked and called Shaddad so he can help her confirm whether their son's cinnamon coloured eyes are really not her thoughts. He was also surprised by how bright his eyes were and since they are doctors, he knew it was normal for people to have different shade of eyes. But then again, they are no ophthalmologists. He asked one in the hospital who assure them that the baby has no eye problem.

Falak was both excited and nervous. The thought that her son might not be seeing as clearly as his siblings didn't leave her mind. Sometimes she feels like he is blind but then when he will look around or cry, she will get sense of assurance again till she agreed that that is just how his eyes are. Her mother also said that her grandmother has those set of eyes, unique and beautiful. She sighed knowing it is a family trait and maybe her grandchildren might have one too. Yep, too deep into the future.

"I think I should leave now. I will be back later for the photos, I promise." Shaddad kissed the crown of her head and did the same to his children then disappear to the closet and came out dressed in ebony set of waistcoat, slacks and tie matching it up with frost dress shirt. The way those clothes tighten around his body makes Falak's mouth to water.

When he left, she ate breakfast and feed her babies then waited for her mother to appear. The palace has been decorated, every nook and cranny of it. Not to talk about the people that are coming. Falak could only count ten of her people, the rest are all her mother's socialites and other royals. Everyone wants to attend to see the triplet born in the palace. It wasn't a small news when she gave birth. Everyone was talking about it and some even say it was a lie that she didn't give birth to triplets. As if they are the ones giving children to humanity. Asad held press conference and assured them that she gave birth to triplets and the media are allowed to attend the naming ceremony if they won't create raucous. Falak didn't like it though, they should think what they want.

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