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Kano State, Nigeria.

It wasn't true, the last two minutes in the theater room was only Shaddad's wild and worst nightmare. Falak is looking up at him with a smile then glanced at their children in his arms. He has already said the adhaan to their ears and named them all with the names they agreed upon. Shaddad felt an onslaught amount of protectiveness and possessiveness wash over him holding his babies in his arms. They are truly his children, he is staring at them. His children, flesh and blood! Ya Allah, his heart is about to explode.

The happiness drown him seeing Falak smiling widely though exhaustion is marring her face and she clearly needs sleep but stopped herself to hold her babies. It is not easy to have natural birth for triplets, he wished she agreed for the c-section delivery and he wouldn't have had that panic thought. She has scared him when she dropped his hand like she has lost her life and gave up life, she looked lifeless then with all stress and exhaustion.

The babies move in his arms bringing his attention back to the identical triplet. He couldn't differentiate but the nurse showed him the girl in between, wrapped in pink soft fluffy towel while the boys are wrapped in sky blue one. She is the last born and he was shown the first one then the second before his princess. They have two boys and one girl. The boys are older than her, he could only differentiate them when the nurse showed him a sign on the towel that the other don't have.

"I named the first one Sabeer." He passed the first born to her and she took him, her eyes tearing up when she held her baby, her son, her first born, her eldest son and the first baby she brought to the world. The first baby she will proudly call her first child anywhere and everywhere.

God, is it legal for her to feel so many emotions at once? She feels like testing out her heart to show everyone what is going on in there. The emotions searing her heart are too much to even fix a name on one. Happiness, possessiveness, pride, love, amazements, adoration and a lot more than she will bother naming out to her mind. She finally has her baby in her arms!

"He is so beautiful and looks like the patient one just like his name." She placed a gentle wet kiss on the baby's forehead then hug him to her bosom, he was so quite. Just like the name she asked Shaddad to name him, Sabeer after countless argument on which one suits better then they remember that they have three children so he chose the second one.

"And the second one is Safeer." His voice held sense of pride as he mention the names of his sons. His children, the sign of love they created with his wife.

"Oh my God, he looks just like his brother. How can you differentiate them? I can't see any single sign that will tell me who is who except that I'm holding Sabeer in my left and Safeer in my right." She was in awe, rambling out her words with no sense. She can't see any difference in the two babies she is holding so seeing him differentiating them really got her head in a twist. She won't let him bruise her ego into knowing them more than she does.

"The nurse showed me the little stamp there is in Sabeer's towel which there isn't in Safeer's." He grinned proudly like he just answered the hardest question given to him by their teacher in secondary school which his classmates couldn't answer.

"Wow, we really need to do something about them. It is going to be so embarrassing if I don't know the difference between my own children." She kissed both their foreheads, tears are running down her cheeks but she doesn't care.

"I agree. Here I introduce, Sabeeha." He placed his princess in between her two older brothers in Falak's arms.

"Ya Allah, she is so beautiful and she looks like them too." Falak groaned at the end and sobbed but that didn't stop her from kissing Sabeeha's forehead countless times.

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