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Kano State, Nigeria.

"Is this some sort of stepmother story I read in some local books in my primary school?" She scrunched up her face so cutely, looking at him ad though some of the nuts in his head had unfastened.

"No, that will be easier than going deep into the story of your life. And about my brothers, they are not as bad as people portray them out to be. They're very caring when it comes to their family..." Falak scoffed at that with a yeah-right look.

"....they love me, mom and dad very dearly and they'll love you also. Mom always talks about you and they couldn't wait to meet you but after seeing you today, they all act somehow or maybe they're not expecting such beauty." He attempts to wink at her but failed miserably, incompetently.

"They didn't talk to me after saying Hi." She pouted, lying down on the soft mattress, already feeling sleepy just by doing that.

"Because, they're still trying to warm up with you, I won't say the same about Ya Shaddad though. That one hardly talks and when he does, it's either scolding or something like that." Imad got down from the hammock and trudge to the door.

"Where are you going to? I said I want to sleep with you just tonight." She pouted again, sitting up from the bed.

"I'll just change into my pajamas, my room is next to yours by the right. You should also change into something comfortable before I get back." He verballed, opening the brown oak door and leaving to change.

She stood up and opened the huge wardrobe to check anything 'comfortable', to verify what this 'comfortable' thingy means. Since she knows what a pajamas is, she brought out a silky pink shirt and it's matching pants, which is pinfolded in the same hanger, and then transformed into it in the bathroom, not wanting to risk anyone coming in.

Imad came back and together, they fell asleep not before hearing almost everything about the palace from him though. She still thinks that she's dreaming and is nowhere near a castle but then let everything go with the flow, it's her destiny and maybe, it's a beautiful one designed for her for all her patience, she had endure a lot of hardship in the village and she deserve this.

Next morning, the same maid walked into Falak's room. She's still sleeping because her exhausted self still didn't want to wake up from the fluffiest mattress. She always wakes up around five in the morning, pray and put water for everyone in the house to bath back in the village of MatanFada.

The maid woke her up and ask her to take bath, that her uniform and all other school necessities are here for her to wear. The King and the Queen don't want her to dwell and reside herself into thinking about her father's death so they want her to go to school to take her mind off things.

Falak was surprised but delighted and she skipped into the bathroom to take a short bath because if she's to take a long one, she'd be late. She prayed before taking the uniform from the maid, admiring it with a wide smile that almost split her face into two. Her happiness is radiating in waves which has the maid smiling too. The girl is a breath of fresh air with all her cheerfulness and ebullience.

She got into the knee length grey skirt with tiny white, yellow, and blue stripes adorning it and good pleating that's well ironed. Adding the white long sleeved shirt, and a jacket on top with already knotted tie sitting underneath the clothes. The maid helped her adjust it before combing her longs hair and packing it in ponytail then adding the beret on top.

She twirled several times in front of the fully length mirror that's covering her wardrobe doors. The maid gave her two white new socks and put the other eleven packets in her chest drawer where she removed some bras and panties from. Falak blushed when she found out that they knew her size, from bras to panties.

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