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Kano State, Nigeria.

"What do you think though? I've taken two kit pregnancy tests, one is positive while the other is negative so I don't know what to think." She explained to Dr. Amina yet again about what she is thinking to be her supposed pregnancy again.

All she wants to do is run for the hills at the thought of being pregnant again but what is the crime in bringing more babies to the world? She loves babies and hate the idea that her children are growing up quite quickly which she hates. She wish they are going to stay so little only do what she does in her arms but now the kids can even walk around on their own, it's both exciting and heart wrenching. She likes seeing them grinning whilst showing her gums not their full blown out teeth.

After yesterday's illness, she thought about going to see Dr. Amina, her Obstetrician/Gynecologist since her first pregnancy, it feels like just yesterday when she was sitting there anxiously waiting for her to confirm her thoughts. Now she is back with another different case. She's took the tests in the morning before they left for the hospital together with Shaddad. One of the tests showed two positive pink signs while the other one has blank lines where there should be pink which really baffled her. Does things like that happen all the time or is she carrying quadruplets again, oops, not again please.

She's seen all the signs of pregnancy though. Everything is crystal clear in front of her but the tests said otherwise, she can't help but think otherwise too. After she gets the confirmation, she don't know where to start from. How is she going to tell Shaddad about the pregnancy knowing how he was so hard on himself the other time? He had nightmares a few times after her delivery about her dying, she don't wish to see that sight ever again. She hates seeing him so broken all because of her, or she should agree to the c-section this time around. Ya Allah, everything is so jammed up!

The thought alone scared her shitless. Carrying four babies at the same time and taking care of them?! Heck no! She ain't going to let that happen to her again, not with how worried Shaddad is going to be again. She still won't let them do any c-section delivery for her, even if she is carrying million babies. But is it a crime to not want quadruplets again? She can't deal with the stress that comes with it like a whole package of trouble. First, it is how huge she will look, then she eats like a lion, then she will look like a whale and then those daily massages, backaches and swollen body.

Keeping all of that aside, those sleepless nights after delivery is also a disaster. Taking care of three children took a huge toll on her talk less about four more?! Heck no! Ya Allah don't let that happen please, she's tried her best and enough. Her thoughts were cut short when a knock came from the door, came in a short dark nurse whose smile falter when she saw Falak. She hopes she didn't intimidate her with her anxious wide eyes, she chuckled a little.

"Good morning, Dr. Falak." The lady greeted and nodded to Dr. Amina who asked her to drop her pager and leave.

"It happens since the kits are not hundred percent assurance. Now you might be pregnant and you might not be. We are going to take your urine and blood just like the last time to confirm it. Now if you will go in there and ease yourself." She gave her a glass cup and pointed to the bathroom where she peed the last time she was seeking her assistance and confirmation.

She did as she was told and that same nurse came back to take the said item along with her blood. Falak was anxious, would Shaddad want another baby now? Isn't it too soon for her to have another baby just when her children hit two? She don't even know which part of the having baby is making her more nervous and apprehensive. Is it Shaddad's thought about the baby or is it her nervousness about having another set of quadruplets again?

"You don't have to worry, the result will be here in a few minutes." Dr. Amina assured seeing the crease lines on Falak's forehead and the frown linking her brows together.

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