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Kano State, Nigeria.

It was Samir, their cousin who lives in India and he is more like a brother than cousin. Just like Huzaif and Humaid, they were very close before he got job in India and took that opportunity to pursue the love if his life, Jawahir. He is married with a son Mahir who Falak is overly obsessed with not knowing the father is also obsessed with her carefree nature and has result to kidnapping her.

His mother is the King's younger sister who died immediately after she gave birth to him so he grew up in the palace just like Huzaif and Humaid when their father died albeit they were very young. Like blood brothers, that is how they were brought up. The King did the job of bringing them up and with the help of her royal majesty Karima. They became very tight and no one can tell who is the real King's son and who isn't. They themselves don't like differentiating their parents and go along as royal brothers.

The prince lives in India along with his wife and if she knows about what happened, there is no doubt that she will leave him and take her son along. She thought when he talks about Falak back then when she was studying it was only because they have finally got a female sister but no, the man was infatuated by her beauty. He talks about her everyday and it began irritating Jawahir then it will vanish when she sees Falak and they talk like long lost friends. Falak has that effect on everyone so Jawahir held no hard feelings.

And now she should hear about this? He will have no destination and no son to go home to. He told her he's got some business to handle in Nigeria and that wasn't the first time he goes to Nigeria, he is a Nigerian after all but who would've known he went on a mission to kidnap his brother and sister in-law. He knew it was low of him but what better way is there for him to have the woman he is hopelessly and irrevocably in love with?

He knew getting married to her is easy as he is not fully blood related to Shaddad and he doesn't need to kill him to get where he wants to go. He is already regretting what he did after seeing Falak on the floor with blood on her forehead, her hands clutching her stomach to save her baby. Deeply, he hopes the baby survives or the guilt will keep on eating him whole for the rest of his life. He can't afford killing his beloved baby, no, that is terrible and cruel.

Just waiting for his fate in the cell, he heard the doors opening and a sergeant asked him to come out that he has a visitor. The sergeant named Michael accompanied him to the visiting room being careful not to act as roughly as he always does to others. Because even though he is a criminal, he is still a Prince that doesn't deserve to be maltreated. He could take away his job right there sitting in the cell, they are powerful while he is only working to get something in his family's stomach.

Upon arriving at the visiting room, more like a den, his heart dropped when he saw Shaddad sitting in his usual calm posture. His intestines shook inside him as he halted by the transparent glass window. The room has only two lead metal chairs and matching desk in the middle of it. They will be all alone in that room which honestly didn't sit well with him. Not in the slightest bit is he happy but concerned about his health.

He got ushered into the room and Michael locked it behind him and stood just outside the door to give them privacy. Samir slowly walked to the chair opposite the one Shaddad is occupying and sat down. He feels like he is too dirty to even sit so close to him but he had to. His eyes were down casted all the while and he felt all the more guilty, he feels like bolting out of the room.

Shaddad stood up in a swift move and land a blow on his face. Samir didn't try blocking any of it and took them with grunts and painful moans. Shaddad didn't stop till Michael walked in and took away his frame from Samir with the help of some other officers standing around. Shaddad was given water to calm himself while he got seated on the chair he occupied some moments before.

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