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Kano State, Nigeria.

"Good morning." Humaid greeted his wife in a bored tone while his other wife kept quite because she doesn't want to act all too kind and make the other feel guilty, she will let him do the talks.

"What are you doing with her and where is her maid outfit?" Madeeha glared hotly at the other woman who stopped cutting what she was doing since she heard her voice but she didn't raise her eyes to look at her. She might just glare back and make her melt there.

"Let me introduce you to my wife, Fikriya." He moved his hands wrap his arms around her shoulder, raising a daring brow at her to do anything stupid but she was too into thinking about what he said to react.

After it settled in her head, she snapped. What the heck is the imbecile talking about? Letting out a strangled cry, she lurched herself forward and found her hand gripping Fikriya's neck and trying to wring it to snap her dead which made Humaid's eyes widen before he threw himself between them and pried Madeeha's hand from Fikriya.

"What are you doing? Are you this stupid?" The veins are popping from his neck and forehead due to anger, he is keeping his hands balled not to slap her hard and send her falling around the kitchen.

"You're calling me stupid when you impregnated the maid and bring her to our home calling her your wife? How dare you disrespect me like that?! Of all people on earth, you choose this filthy maid to impregnate and bring in my house? You will hear from the King about this! What the fuck is even going on in your head?" She kept blowing not knowing what to do or even say, this totally took her off guard.

When she started ignoring her husband and neglecting their marriage, she didn't think he would take that drastic step. She just got tired and started yearning for her freedom and so she started going out with her single friends and act all single with them. She even gets to mingle around the young men and never tell them she was married till they find out and dump her, it doesn't matter. She only wants freedom.

Now that reality has struck and laughed hard to her face, she is out of ideas. Yelling at him will only push him to the wall and he will divorce her then her mother will kill her for letting a Prince divorce her and her stepsisters will come forward and even try to lure him into marrying one of them.

One thing she knows now is, she will try her very best to bring back the love she managed to pour out on the way. Will she be able to love him again? Does she even love him or is she just jealous? She hates the fact that a maid will now replace her if she doesn't step up her game and play it well. It's time to go back to her holy friends and seek for advise, she needs to save her marriage.

With one last glare, she angrily stormed out of the kitchen and lock herself in her room. She is pacing her room while dialling her friend's number who likes preaching to her and she will tell her not to preach to her but now, she needs her more than ever. When she finally picked up the phone, she frantically started talking before the friend asked her to calm down and talk slowly.

"Farida, I need your help please. Can you come over a little later?" She asked, picturing how her mother will kick her out of the house when she will give her the news about the divorce she is imagining.

"Uh, I'm not sure but I'll let you know when my husband allows me." That was her answer but Madeeha thanked her nevertheless and hung up the phone.

She's forgotten when was the last time she asked Humaid before leaving their home. She just stays there as her own wife and husband so maybe, just a little maybe, he has every right to bring another wife into their lives. She hasn't been the best of best right from the beginning and now it is almost broken beyond repair, she is not one to give up though.

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