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"Flight attendance, prepare for landing please. Cabin crew, please take your seats for landing." The pilot announced through the speakers and Shaddad was quick to wake Falak up and adjust her to a sitting position so she can buckle up her seatbelt. She still was drowsy the sleep embedded in her mind and soul, she can't even see well.

"We are there already?" She yawned, closing her mouth with her right hand, settling her sleepy gaze on her husband who nodded and sat beside her, adjusting his seatbelt around him.

The landing was smooth and they were escorted out of the plane to the awaiting guards that head out of the jet before them. She didn't even notice their presence in the plane when she was in, totally forgotten about their presence. Woah, thank God they didn't sit with them or they would've seen her flashing those luscious globes to her husband. Well, Shaddad wouldn't have let her do that, his eyes are ever so vigilant where his family is concerned.

He accompanied her to the black SUV opened for them by a guard. He greeted them good evening as the sun has ready set down the hill. She took in the dark hue blanketing the sky then sat down in the backseat, letting the driver take them to their destination. Falak move to the window looking outside the long trees standing by the side of the road. The 18th century buildings line up, the townhouses taking her breath away. Wow, where is this place?

"New Orleans, Louisiana." Shaddad answered having heard of her thoughts yet again. She never stops babbling what is in her mind and even talks when she is sleeping sometimes, he won't change her for anyone though. He likes just how imperfect she is.

"Wow, it's so gorgeous." She sighed dreamily at the window before going to back sit right beside her husband who was quick to bring the partition between them and the driver. She's been teasing him for a long time now she she needs to be teased too.

"You've been naughty this whole time, a little warning should do." With that, he dipped his head to catch her lips with his. Her knees weakened while her toes curl in her shoes, feeling her heart soaring in the sky along with the birds.

"So have you." She whispered, trailing her index finger across his well trimmed sideburn, liking the way the gruff hairs tingle her finger. While Shaddad could only hold back a shiver, he involuntarily parted his lips when her finger trailed to it. His soft plump lips dip down to take hers in impatience and she was more than willing to invite him.

They arrive at Ace Hotel and checked into the royal room he has his assistant book for him. Falak wrapped her arms around Shaddad's when she saw a few girls looking at them and they look like Nigerians. They don't really look interested in Shaddad but they look like they are trying to recall where they know them. Well, Falak isn't ready to hear anything so she dragged her husband to the elevator the receptionist showed them and made their way to the fifth floor.

"Woah, this is beautiful." Falak exclaimed, her voice holding the glee she feels deep inside of her. She really needed sometime away with only the love of her life, she just felt how much she needed it then.

The suite has a small living room with two long couches and apricot throw pillows littered on them. The floor is wooden and a brown furry carpet sat on it, which Falak can't wait to place her feet on, it looks so soft. By the far end of it, a set dining table sat for two people and a table in the middle. The chairs have tufted back in cute silver buttons while the white table sat with a single rose inside a transparent vase. There is also a small kitchen behind the dining set, from where she is, it looks like black and white.

She made her way to the one white oak door she saw there. The room is prodigious. A whole side of the wall had glass window, she could see swimming pool from up there, the blue water glistening under the lights. Then there was a king sized bed in the middle of the room calling out to her in soft humming, she is really tired and needs sleep. The other side of the wall had a fireplace on it and there was a platform on that side which has a very comfortable looking white couch sitting. A rectangular shaped panel was lounged onto the wall hiding away what she is guessing as TV.

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