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Kano State, Nigeria.

Humaid couldn't express his happiness and excitement after getting tied to his new wife. After the conversation in the Throne Room, he started courting her and didn't bother hiding it from the guards but since their lips are always sealed, no words go around about it and he didn't tell his wife. He felt like she doesn't deserve to know about him getting married again.

When he started courting her, it was around ending December so his uncle asked whether first day of another year is convenient for him and thankfully, it fell on a Friday so he didn't hesitate and replied with a yes. He didn't want any lousy wedding and so does his woman, it happened just within the house with his family and her own side of little family.

They kept everything quietly and her Aunt didn't tell anyone in the village. She said if she is to tell them, the whole palace will be filled to the brim with those wicked villagers. They all are looking for opportunity and this will be the best of all so she kept quite and said she is about to give birth and that is why she has to come down to the City.

No one even bother giving her anything to take to her niece and it is not like she needs anything, Suwaid stopped her from doing a thing and only ask her to bring his woman's close relatives which she did.

As soon as she told her Aunt about it, the woman left what she was doing back in their village and brought her husband with her who will be everything they will need. She was glowing with happiness because of how Humaid has been clinging around her. He stopped all the maids from saying anything ill about their marriage.

Because of the sudden marriage, some of them started saying that she was pregnant and they want to get married before it became prominent which she found absurd. Why is every tale about a Prince and a Maid is always like that? It always leads to being pregnant and something along not getting married to one another because of it. Well it's not like she will let their words get to her head and her way of happiness.

Right now, she is dressed in a gorgeous navy blue lace sewn in a fitted. Her Royal Majesty didn't let her sit down for long because seamstresses kept tripping into the maid's quarters to take her measurements. She refused to leave the maid's quarters till after the wedding and continue doing her job as a maid just not in Humaid's Chamber, he refused to allow that and send another maid there.

Standing beside her is the Queen of Kano, trying to adjust her into the porpoise alkyabba that is adorned with golden embroidery and sprinkles of white here and there. She feels like a Princess in it but the thought of seeing Humaid again as her husband this time around is overwhelming and she can't wait to meet him dressed like this. She never did stop wearing her maid outfit also and so he doesn't know what is underneath the surface.

Her face was closed now so she doesn't know what is going on and just felt herself sliding into something that feels like a car and the nervousness started dripping down from her forehead. Her Aunt is still there with her children and the first daughter is her mate. She didn't get how they brought her there when she is married with two kids, her husband is kind from what she heard if not, she wouldn't have left her room.

The car started moving with her Aunt and her daughter beside her and in no time, the car stopped which means she is standing in front of her husband's Chamber, the yodelling of the maids could be heard from inside the car. She thought Madeeha will storm out and demand what is going on but she didn't and the other wives came out from their Chambers to celebrate with her.

She has talked to the three of them only once and from her view, Jabrayah and Jaiyana are more warming and welcoming than the other new one that was brought though she isn't as rude as Madeeha, she is not the nicest. Inayah is also outside her Chamber and has a smile on her lips which she didn't see because her face is closed. For some odd reasons, she likes the fact that they are celebrating with her.

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