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Kano State, Nigeria.

Falak begrudgingly made her way back to her office wanting to give them each a taste of their own medicine. Why does she even have to glow just after consummating their marriage?! She hates having them as friends at that moment.

She walked into the office and find them chatting with no care of the world. Infuriated, she sat down on her swivel chair and eye them one after the other, when they didn't turn around to acknowledge her presence in her own office she ignored them. Wanting to leave the room, she heard a knock on the door which got everyone's attention in the room, she yelled a come in and Anisa walked in looking happy and giddy as she ran to Falak.

"You won't believe what just happened in the corridor. Ya Allah, I'm so freaking happy wallahi and I hope I won't fall off right now. I need water." Falak could only stare at her with wide eyes but fastidiousness shining in her eyes brightly making Anisa more giddy to share her news.

"Calm the heck down now, Anee. Here, drink this." Falak passed her a glass cup sitting beside her table and continue to stare at the giddy girl.

"Okay, I'm now calm so let me convey everything to you so you can be happy along with me. I'm so happy, Falak. I want to so badly distinguish my heart." Anisa kept talking enthusiastically and Falak saw a tinge of tears shining in her eyes and she knew the girl in front of her is too happy and maybe even more than she is.

Falak didn't know anyone could be as happy as she is but seeing Anisa right at that moment with the tears if joy glistening and the tightening of her lips as it sends message of the happiness in her chest, she knew she is happier than her. She didn't even notice the other people in the room other than her and she still didn't. Falak is happy for the girl in front of her, whatever it is, it must be life changing decision which is happily made.

"Let me introduce you to my sister in-laws first seeing that you haven't noticed them." Falak chuckled a little when she saw the horrified expression taking over Anisa's face. She looks scared of something which Falak don't get what it is but will find out before she leave her office.

"Why didn't you tell me since?" She colloquially asked with a torturous smile and turn around to greet the beautiful women scattered around the office which makes her think how the heck did she not notice them then ponder how is she to know who is married to who.

"This is, Fikriyah and Madeeha, Humaid's wives. That one is Jabrayah and she is Suwaid's wife. Jaiyana is Huzaif's wife and Inayah is Asad's wife. Guys, this is Anisa, my friend." She introduced even though she is still mad at them and that is why she addressed them as sister in-laws and not friends. What they did is unforgivable.

"H-hello." Anisa uttered shyly and look down at the ground and that is when Falak took in her outfit.

She is wearing a tie wrap stripped maxi dress with crew neckline, a waist belt and regular long sleeves. She has her head tied in muffler with graphite veil holding a matching cross over Gucci bag and her legs are clasped with fog slippers. Her dressing sense makes Falak like her even more, she looks cute yet casual.

"Hi." They replied with a smile that makes her shoulders slump in silent thanking God for them being normal people and not haughty and supercilious.

There is something about wanting to be accepted and if she hasn't being at that moment, she's not even sure if they have accepted her but she would've worked hard to have them accept her. She needs to be accepted and would do basically anything to please them. They are about to be her sister in-laws too after all. If they show any sign of disdain, her soon to be fiancée will start having second thoughts and she don't want that.

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