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Kano State, Nigeria.

"She's given birth to a baby boy." Falak grinned widely at the other occupants of the room trying to desperately not to jump in joy hearing her friend has given birth.

They are all in the hospital around six in the morning while Fikriyah has been in labour for three hours straight. Falak couldn't rest even after so much persistence from Shaddad since she is already showing at four months pregnant. Her stomach is huge making her grunt at why didn't she ask for small stomach during pregnancy in her prayers. She's always asked for smooth delivery, not fussy babies and all that but totally forgot about that.

Now everyone is asked to go home and come back after freshening up so Falak slump in Shaddad's arms and let him guide her outside the hospital. He's become more possessive when she started showing and if he could have it his way, she wouldn't leave the confines of their chamber till after delivering her baby. She goes to work though, goes everywhere she wants actually and he can't stop her. The little work is needed for her body and he supports, half.

The journey back to the Chamber was silent as she kept lulling in and out of sleep. During her first trimester, she hardly gets sleep in the morning due to nausea so every time she feels sleepy and dizzy. She just wants to sleep everywhere and anywhere she gets to place her head comfortably on. Her legs also started aching with small walks but she pushes herself forward since it is good for her body to exercise a little and she is no quitter.

Falak has loved every single bit of her pregnancy though. She didn't stop taking videos with little different from her physical appearance. Nothing really changed, but she has gained more weight which annoys her and makes her a bit insecure. Her face is more fatter and so is the rest of her whole body. Her girlfriends say pregnancy looks good on her but she doesn't think so, her body has gained few pounds and she don't like that her going to gym is going to waste.

Thank goodness nothing happened to her nose and her eyes didn't deepen inside. The first phase of pregnancy looks really good on her though. Her skin is glowing and she would agree with what Hudhafa had said when she started going to school and ask whether milk flows in her body and not blood. Her mother won't stop fussing about what she eats and if she eats well even before she started showing up.

Everyone in the palace found out about it before she started showing all thanks to her great mother, her persistent phone calls and random questions in front of people. No, she didn't tell her mother but when she saw her coming out from the gynecologists ward, she said she suspected something and so she asked the doctor who was quick to rant her out. She needs space in the Queen's heart to ensure her permanent seat in the hospital, wretched woman.

But Shaddad has suffered and is still suffering his life. She never craves until four in the morning when everything is quite and still, that is when she wants to eat mango. She asked him to go to the garden and pluck some for her, when he came back, she didn't want to eat it again. She also started hating his cologne and he had to change cologne while she likes smelling his armpit, weird but it calms her down.

When her nausea will hit her, she will rush into his arms and smell his armpit then boom, she won't feel nausea again. Shaddad was so afraid of that but knew it comes with pregnancy so he got used to it forcefully. She likes spending her days with him and her mother is thinking about giving her a maternity leave already which she blatantly declined. That is unprofessional and she loves her job. Well, to Falak, life has been super good for the last three months.

"Please don't wake me up anytime soon. I really need some beauty sleep if I can get one now." She yawned and snuggled into Shaddad who nodded his head and patted her back. She likes when he does that since her back aches sometime in the night.

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