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Kano State, Nigeria.

Falak kept grunting because Shaddad was dragging her out of the hospital like she is a sack of rice that has so much stones in it and he won't do anything to it. She didn't like it but then again, this is what she wants, to aggravate Shaddad and push him to the wall and that is exactly what happened, he is dragging her with him so she stood up straight and wrap her other hand around the one he is using to hold her and she felt him tensed underneath her fingertips.

Pure muscles!

His hand is so strong and hard as a stone. She could feel the trace of his strict veins underneath. She let her jaw drop because she didn't think it will bring another reaction from her other than the happiness she is feeling about annoying him. Now, she feels nervous and hot all her body, she was literally shivering in delight, frisson. She doesn't know what to do again, of she removes her hand, he will suspect she is nervous from her sharp intake of breath and now that she feels his arms underneath her fingertips, she doesn't want to remove it.

When they reached his car, he gently pushed her to the passenger side and curve the car to the driver's side before hitting the road together with his guards. She pushed the button on the radio and it started blasting out the latest African song which was 'Soco by Wizkid' in spite of the fact that she hardly pays attention to African songs, she started bobbing her head to the song and imitate some artists she's seen in television and the guy that came to her wedding, Olamide to irritate Shaddad but he didn't even throw a single glance at her and kept driving whilst flexing his muscles.

Upon their arrival, the guards were there to open their doors which Falak isn't happy about, she wanted Shaddad to open her door or see whether he will open it for her like he did in the morning. Or he might be too mad to care about whether she gets down or not. She honestly don't know why he brought her back home when he could do whatever he wants to do in the office and no one will dare say something against it but no, he has to bring her back to the Palace in the middle of the day.

He opened the door and she walked in first before he followed her in and locked the door. She's standing right in front of him and when he pivoted, he almost bumped into her but moved back and narrowed his eyes at her because he could see the defiance in his eyes and the determination set on her face followed by the hands by her side in perfect akimbo style which irked him. He hates that she looks adorable trying to act mad when she should look ugly with red face and then he will be able to scold her without getting distracted. He needs his focus to put her in her place for what she did was unacceptable.

"Who gave you the right to drag me around the hospital? Do you think I'm a ragged doll that you can drag around when you feel like?" She fumed knowing she doesn't have the right to be mad but just want to see if he is going to retort and this will be their first fight, she hopes he would though.

She badly wants to see Shaddad looking a little mad knowing it is going to be a sight to behold because it is going to be sacred. Since Asad never succeeded in making Shaddad mad, then she knew it is something extremely colossal, immense and gigantic not something as petty as this. She is more than hundred percent sure that Asad has ever done something more terrible than this, this so should be small. She internally send her prayers to God wanting Shaddad to bellow in anger, she didn't forget to bite on her tongue this time around.

"And what were you thinking when you started painting across the walls? You think everything goes around as irresponsibly as your brain likes to portray them?" He fold his yummy looking muscles around his equally yummy strong chest and fixed his gaze on her like a father scolding his daughter and it kind of irked her that she jumped out of silly daydream about how sultry his voice sounds after releasing those long words.

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