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Kano State, Nigeria.

Shaddad got ready and started to pick the pending files from his study. He needs to go back to work as soon as possible but seeing Falak soundly sleeping on the bed, he felt like he should go back and join her to sleep the day all. He suddenly felt tired and not willing to go to work but he suppressed and continue piling the work. If he goes back to that bed, he won't be able to leave the house again and he is sure about it. He never even felt the need not to go to work, it's like he lives to save lives and mingle with people's hearts not let his wife roll and tumble around on his.

When he was done and ready to leave the room, Falak woke up and greeted him good morning which he answered a little bit dazed. She scrunched her face and yawned then say the supplication for waking up loudly that he heard her. Even with some of her hair flying out of the ponytail she did the night before, her eyes are fluttery while her mouth is chapped but still pink, she looks beautiful and he doesn't know how she does that. She is beautiful but mixed with lots of flaws, refreshing.

She gave him a look from head to toe taking in his jet black waistcoat and matching slacks with bone white dress shirt then got down from the bed and stop him when he was about to step out of the room. She wanted to go to work also since it is already a week after their wedding but her mother stopped her from going and ask her to take few more days. She would've gone with him, she is already bored about the whole staying at home thing.

"You can't leave the house without having your breakfast." She kvetches, making her way to the bathroom to take a bath and get dressed all the while she wants him to wait for her and he has no other choice.

It's like she has him in a tight leash when in reality she hasn't done anything. It is only the guilt of making her go through heartbreaks because of him that makes him submit to all her wishes. He doesn't want to be more into her bad books than he already is. That laxative is enough to exhibit to him that Falak can do a lot of things for revenge and that is her being lenient.

She came out of the room already dressed while he is perched on one of the two chairs around the coffee table by the far end of the living room waiting for her whilst checking his emails. There are not much emails there because he likes using his business email account and that is in his laptop which he can't take out or she'd have his head early in the morning. If she knew he is even checking his emails, or any work related thing, she will kvetch again and that will go on till he leaves the house.

He stopped everything and turn around after smelling the perfume she sprayed, his favorite perfumes. She stopped using her own set and started using his Versace and Jaguar just to anger him but he likes it, it smells like home and also his wife. He won't ever change that perfume now, ever, not that he has any plan on doing that. He has being using those two since he can't remember and sometimes wear black oud and that is it.

She is wearing a brick cowl neck sweater and sangria box pleated skirt that reached her calf. He eyed the skin above her toes seeing how milky the skin is and how soft it looks. And her feet, he never noticed how long and lean her toes are and the red henna covering the nails there. The trace of her wedding henna is still there and he has never seen anything more beautiful. He didn't know why his eyes went there but just seeing the fair skin down there, he just felt something stirred in him and he quickly move his eyes to her swaying hips up to her wet hair that kept dripping drops of water on the stainless onyx tiles and some at the back of her shirt.

"I'll just whip something quick for you and you know what, you should come back home early. You better should come back before dinner, I don't want people thinking that I don't take good care of you when I do." She batted her lashes and release that creepy smile that he is used to now.

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