Nothing But a Nobody

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"Please fasten your seat belts. The plane is coming into landing. Thank you for flying Volturi Air and I hope you have a pleasant stay in Seattle." said the flight attendant over the loud intercom.

I looked up at Alec, who was studying me with those mesmerizing red orbs of his.

"Who gets the humans this time?" I asked, more like whispered.

"Felix and Demetri are splitting the flight attendant and pilot. But they could always share..." answered Alec with an evil glint in his eyes.

I chuckled slightly and snuggled even closer into his chest.

"Nah...they could have them. But you on the other hand...are mine only. No sharing allowed. Except for Jane of course. She will always be a sister to me. After all, she did raise me like one." I smiled.

He laughed softly.

"And I don't want it any other way." he smiled.

We got our luggage from the airport after Felix and Demetri drank up the humans, making a big mess and receiving a very long and threatening lecture from Jane. Let's just say that there is a reason everyone is afraid of her.

"Let's go! I don't want the newborns raising anymore suspicion then they already have." hissed Jane, whipping around and running towards our hotel.

We arrived at the front desk, scaring the receptionist a little with our dark cloaks.

"M-may I help you?" she stuttered, fumbling around with her fingers.

Jane rolled her eyes.

"We are here under the reservation of Volturi. I trust that there are three suites all on the same floor with no other rooms to bother us?" she asked monotonously.

She did a quick check in the computer and got out five keys, one for each of us.

"Yes ma'am. Your suites are the only rooms on that floor. I trust that everything will be to your liking ma'am. If there is anything you need, please do not hesitate to ask your server. Your suites will be on the tenth floor." she said, trying her best not to sound too nervous.

Jane nodded and walked towards the elevator, handing her luggage to the doorman. We followed in the same suit, me giving the poor man a tip before following them into the elevator. It was then, in the slow elevator, did I notice how extravagant this hotel was. Gold colored wallpaper lined the tiny room with soft, red carpet underneath our feet. Once we reached the tenth floor, I saw the excessive amount of statues and paintings, lining every corner of the hallways. Felix and Demetri shared a room, Jane and Alec shared one, and I had one all to myself. After I slipped the key through the slot, the door automatically opened and I gawked at the room in front of me. It looked like a grand ballroom. A large chandelier hung over the beautiful marble table that had all sorts of flowers in a glass vase. There was a balcony with a beautiful view of Seattle. I slipped into the room on the left and a massive bedroom appeared. Paintings of deceased rulers hung up around the room like it was suited for royalty...which it kind of was. I do have a bad habit of underestimating the Volturi's ability to spend unnecessary money. I mean, I know that we have forever to make cash but still! A knock on the door disturbed my moment of awe. 

"Come in." I said, still looking up at the ceiling which depicted the life and death of two lovers.

The doorman came in and bowed slightly in respect. I turned and faced him.

"May I help you?" I asked politely.

"Your luggage is in the main room ma'am." he said.

"Thank you." I said, mustering up the best smile I could.

He looked convinced.

"It is my pleasure. Enjoy your stay ma'am." he said, exiting the room.

"Thank you." I said, moving my gaze back to the ceiling.

Not long after, another knock interrupted my admiration of the beautiful architect.

"Come in." I said, well aware that it was Alec.

The door closed with a small thud and silent footsteps made its way towards me.

"The architect of this hotel is indeed very amazing and archaic." the voice mused.

I turned around and saw Alec looking up at the ceiling with his arms folded behind his back.

"Indeed it is. I wonder who designed this place. Perhaps I will hire his to remodel my room one day." I smirked.

Alec laughed.

"Yes....perhaps. Although it is better for one who has lived through history to design a place of archaic royalties." he reasoned.

I laughed.

"Are you suggesting that people are inferior to vampires when it comes to designing history?" I mused.

"Vampires will always be better in everything than humans." he stated.

I growled slightly. How dare he?! He was once a human too!

"Are you saying that humans are weaker and more stupid than vampires are?!" I hissed.

"Of course. It is simple logic." he said nonchalantly.

I pinned him against the wall in a fraction of a second.

"So you are basically mocking me?" I growled.

His eyes widened in surprise.

"No! How would scorning humans be mocking you-"

I cut him off.

"You forgot that I am half human too. By jeering at the human race, you are degrading my reputation as the Volturi's princess. When we get back, I will tell Father personally about this conversation and I will personally make sure that you stay in the dungeon for one hundred years without a single drop of blood!" I screamed.

His eyes turned pitch black with anger.

"You're right! You are nothing but a pathetic hybrid! I don't even know why Aro pitied you in the first place! You don't deserve to be Aro's daughter, nonetheless the Volturi's princess. You are a nobody who wants to be a somebody, to no avail. You are a ignorant moron who thinks that she knows everything. I don't know why I ever even loved you! How could I have fallen for such a stupid, abandoned orphan?!" he yelled back.

My eyes widened as my grip on him loosened. He back up a little, not believing what he just said.

"Secret I didn't mean-"

"No! You're right! I am nothing but a pathetic hybrid! I have no right to be pitied by Aro! For fuck's sake Rosalie is the almighty hero for dumping me in the streets with you shit bags! I was the most pathetic child in the world! I am nothing but a stupid orphan who thinks that I might actually mean something to someone!" 

Tears were streaming down my face as I collapsed on my knees, unable to even find the will to live.

"You promised. You promised that you would always be right there for me forever. You lied. You are nothing but a filthy liar!" I screamed.

I quickly turned around and sped out of the hotel, ignoring all the strange look I got from the tourists.

The Seventeen Promises They Made  (An Alec Volturi Love Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant