Complete....At Last

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It was that dream again. I was endlessly falling into an endless pit, kind of like Alice in Wonderland. Except there was no bottom to this rabbit hole. Just ceaseless tortures. The image of Renesmee and I as a baby appeared in front of me. I was on a wooden counter, staring at the mirror in front of me. I wonder if she was actually looking at me or the mirror because I was standing in front of it. Perhaps I knew from the very beginning that this was going to happen.

They're going to love you! I promise.

Wow. Thanks a lot Renesmee. That didn't happen. The scene fast forwarded to when Alice and Rosalie appeared. I remembered how Rosalie's beauty struck me as absolutely mesmerizing. Now, she looked like an ugly hag.

What a special girl you are. I promise I'll take good care of you. Forever. I'll be like your second mommy.

Didn't happen. Then I shifted to the Volturi castle. Alec and I were cuddling together. 

I'm right here. I'm right here for you. Forever. I promise.

Tears welled in my eyes. I remembered when it was so easy to believe such a lie.

Five days. You get five days to destroy the Cullens....Thank you. I promise that I will not fail you.

That didn't mean much to me. I knew from the start that she was not going to keep that promise. They were at a huge disadvantage.

Look, I'm going to do everything in my power to help you through this. I promise.

Thanks a lot Dr. Santana. You left me to die after I refused to sign the papers.

I promise to take you to my hometown one day. You'll love it there.

There it was again with Alec. 

I know. Don't worry. She will not lay a finger on you. You will survive this. I promise.

This image was kind of blurry. Perhaps I didn't believe in it enough for it to project in my memory.

Hey...the Volturi can't hurt us. Or me. I'm too smart for them. I promise I won't let them lay a finger on me or you. You just have to trust me.

Ugh. Him. R.J. I can't believe he would betray his own childhood best friend. Did he even know that Jane and Alec were in the Volturi? 

I will find you and you will be mine again! I promise!

I just realized how possessive he sounded. How could I ever fall for someone like him?

My name is of no concern to you. You dying doesn't require knowing my name. But I can promise that you will die a slow and painful death.

This was the one promise that I was glad she broke. Or I wouldn't be here right now. 

Everything will work out right. I promise you. We will live happily ever after.

If only. My story will end in happily never after. I'll guarantee you that much.

I slolwy got up and walked to the window. Eleven promises that were made and broken. Six more to go. I can do this. But after the seventeenth promise is made...I think I'll be dead. No. I know that I will be dead. 

"Are you okay?" asked a voice from behind me.

I didn't even notice that Alec entered.

"Yeah. I guess." I mumbled.

"You want to talk about it?" he asked gently.

"It's just....that dream. I can't get rid of it. Six promises Alec. I don't think I can suffer through that." I whispered.

The Seventeen Promises They Made  (An Alec Volturi Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now