The Unexpected News

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It's been years since that day. That memory keeps repeating, over and over again in my head like an incessant nightmare. I haven't had any interaction with anyone these years. I wanted my heart to mend, not break further. That's what this vacation is for. A break from life. A break from the Volturi. A break from him. I tried over and over again these years to forget his face. But it keeps haunting me in my dreams. I feel the pull between us and it hurts so badly to be away from him. I want nothing else but to run into those strong arms of his and stay there. In complete utter silence. No more words. No more promises. Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if I hadn't been Bella's child. If I was Kate or Tanya or even Carmen's child. If I never had a twin. If I was never the subject of this cursed prophecy. It seems as if from the beginning of time, my destiny was determined. I was to follow it in detail, every aspect must be exact and perfect. And exactly how I don't want it to be. I tuned out of my thoughts and returned my gaze to the beautiful scenery in front of me. There was a large waterfall with the colors of the rainbow in every droplet of water. The amazing trees that implanted around it had beaches and leaves in just the right places. So beautiful....


I opened my eyes to see a white ceiling above me. Curtains were all around me. Was this I groaned as I tried to sit up.

"Careful there!" Hissed a voice.

I snapped my head around and saw a golden eyed doctor, staring at me.

"Are you...."

"Yes. I'm a vampire. Now hush." He said, checking the machine and recording some information down on his little clipboard.

"Why am I here?" I asked, looking around the bright room.

"You fainted on the side walk. I happened to be there and happened to be a doctor on his way to work so I rushed you here." He said nonchalantly.

"Thank you." I said, not knowing what else to do.

"Your welcome. Now, before we do anything else, we need to get you a lot of contacts. You can't go wandering around the hospital with bright red eyes. The Volturi will be after us in a blink of an eye."

There it was again. That name. That cursed name.

"You're not a full vampire are you?" He asked after a while.

"No. How did you know?" I asked sarcastically.

"Well first of all, your skin didn't sparkle in the sunlight. Second, you didn't seem so bothered by the number of people around you. And third, you fainted."

I nodded, not even expecting an answer.

"So am I free to leave?" I asked.

He sighed.

"No I'm afraid not." He said.

"Why not?!" I demanded.

"Well Ms....."

"Well Ms. Secret, I have some very bad news for you."

"And what might that be....Doctor Santana?" I asked, looking at his name tag.

"I never even knew that it was possible with vampires but I suppose your human side overpowered your vampire by just a little."

"What?! You never thought what was possible?! I have a right to know!"


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