A "Little" Interruption

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I bid my husband farewell and walked into my room, stripping off the long white gown. I put on the creme colored dress that Heidi left for me on the bed. It went to my knees and swayed back and forth gently. I placed my hair in a neat bun and wiped off all the excessive makeup. I took off my jewels and replaced them with little chains. Felix and Demetri walked in and smiled at me.

"Should've come in two minutes earlier." smirked Demetri.

"Why? So you could see me naked?" I asked, joking.

He chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah." he confirmed.

"Well....if Alec heard that, he would've ripped off your ass." I smirked.

They gulped slightly.

"Yeah...let's not tell him." said Felix.

I smirked and nodded.

"Yeah. Let's not." I said, walking past them and towards the reception area.

I gently picked up a glass of blood and sipped it. The first thing I noticed was all the humans that were here. Hm....this should be interesting.

"I almost didn't recognize you. You have grown so much." said a voice behind me.

I turned around and saw Goiania, a girl that I met when I first saw R.J....

"Yes I have." I said coldly.

"Now now....why the sour tone?" asked Goiania innocently.

I took a deep breathe.

"Today is a day of joyful celebrating. I will not argue with you today. But if you insist on playing ugly, I swear I will make you wish that you were never born." I hissed.

"Is there a problem here?" asked a voice, arms wrapping around my waist.

"I certainly hope not." I smirked, leaning into Alec's shoulder.

"Good." he smirked.

I turned around and gently kissed him on the lips.

"Get a room. Everyone is puking from all this disgusting spit flying everywhere." mocked Goiania.

I hissed and spun around, the shadows of all the guests dancing violently on the walls. Alec stood in front of me protectively and growled at her.

"Don't threaten my wife." he spat.

"Oh yeah? And what are you going to do if I do?" smirked Goiania.

Alec trembled with anger as black mist started flowing from his hands. The human guests started screaming and running towards the doors, only to be stopped by the guards who locked all the doors.The vampires backed up, their eyes widening in fear at the deadly gift.

"Secret, Secret Cullen." smirked Goiania.

"It's Secret Volturi to you amateur." I hissed.

"Volturi? You don't even deserve that last name. You are a shame to the coven. Alec probably doesn't even love you. He has hundreds of thousands of women after him. Why you?" she asked, shooting a wink at Alec.

I snarled and tried to lunge for her.

"What is going on here?" asked Aro, the two other masters following him through the crowd.

"I sure hope that no one is causing trouble for the Volturi's little girl." hissed Caius.

"The Volturi's little girl? More like the Volturi's little slut!" snickered Goiania.

The entire Volturi growled.

"Actually, I'm wrong. You're the Volturi's little whore, prostitute, and slut!" Goiania corrected herself, howling in laughter.

Alec snarled and pinned her into the wall. A dent appeared as the plaster cracked.

"Do not talk crap about my wife. She is ten times better than you and so much more intelligent. Shut your hole before I shut it for you." he hissed.

She laughed and started tracing lines down Alec's chest. I felt a bubble of envy rise in my chest.

"Get your hands off me you little bitch." Alec hissed, slapping her hands away.

"Don't be like that baby. How 'bout we go get a room and have a little fun huh? Just you and me." she said, swaying her hips back and forth.

I hissed and stormed away into my room.

"Take her to the dungeons Demetri. Alec, my boy, go find Secret. She'll need some comforting after that."ordered Aro.

The two men nodded as Alec ran towards Secret's room and Demetri dragged away a pleading Goiania.

I cried and cried into my pillow, trying so hard to stop the waterfall of tears that were cascading down my cheeks. My mascara was staining the white sheets but I was far from caring. The door opened slightly and I pulled the covers even higher.

"Secret...." whispered Alec, kneeling in front of the bed and brushing my hair away.

"A-Alec...please..." I whispered, whimpering and hugging the covers closer to me.

He lifted the covers and hugged me close to his chest. I snuggled into him and completely soaked his shirt in tears.

"A-Alec...she...she...I....I'm s-sorry." I stuttered.

He rubbed my back comfortingly and kissed my forehead.

"Sh....you have nothing to be sorry for." he whispered.

I said nothing else and slowly, I calmed down. I looked up and Alec used his thumb to wipe away the tears on my face.

"You okay now?" he whispered.

I nodded and took a shaky deep breathe.

"Now come on. We need to catch our flight. We have a honeymoon to attend." he smirked.

I laughed lightly and nodded, getting off the bed and walking to the bathroom, washing all the messed up makeup off my face and letting my hair down. I smoothed my dress and walked out into Alec's embrace.

"There's my little angel." he said, kissing my forehead.

I giggled like a little girl and nodded.

"I love you." he whispered.

"I love you too." I smiled, kissing him softly on the lips.

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