The Good and Bad News

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Demetri walked in and smiled gently at us.

"Sorry to interrupt this sweet moment but Aro has news for us." he reported.

I nodded.

"Thank you Demetri." I smiled.

"Of course." he said and walked out.

"Well, we better go see what Aro wants us for." I said.

"Yeah. Let's go." he replied, standing up.

We walked hand in hand to the throne room where most of the guards were already there. Marcus smiled at us while Caius just scowled at the lower ranking members. Aro had that smile on his face.

"Welcome dear Alec and Secret." he smiled.

"Master." we bowed, taking our spots next to Jane.

"Let us begin the meeting then." said Aro after a few more guards arrived.

"There is both good and bad news. Which one would you like to hear first?" he started.

"Bad." I mumbled.

He seemed to acknowledge my response.

"Very well. Let us start with the bad news. Our little Alice Cullen has come and reported that the mysterious girl will attack very soon. Next week. This time, she will be stronger and faster than ever before. My loved ones, you have to train harder. Blood will be provided more frequently now to keep your energy at its peak. However, rests will be given from time to time. I need Secret, Alec, Jane, Felix, and Demetri to train especially hard since you are the main targets of the mysterious stranger." said Aro.

"Yes master." we said in sync.

"Now, the good news. I will be hosting a ball tomorrow. All the covens are welcome. Therefore, today is off for everyone. Go enjoy yourselves before tomorrow. After it, we will officially start hardcore training." he informed.

"Yes master." we all said.

"Very well. You are all excused." he said, walking back up to his throne.

"Thank you master." we said, bowing and walking out of the throne room.

As soon as we were out of the room, Heidi was dragging poor damsels to the mall in search of the perfect dress (according to her at least).

"Alec, hide me." I whispered, sensing that Heidi just returned.

He chuckled and shook his head.

"Come on, it can't be that bad." he said, 'trying' to reassure me.

I glared at him.

"You have no idea how much I hate shopping. Especially for dresses." I hissed.

He raised his hands in surrender.

"Just saying! It can't be that bad. No one died." he shrugged.

"Yeah. No one died. Real reassuring Alec." I mumbled.

"I know you still love me though." he smirked.

I rolled my eyes playfully.

"I hate you so much." I grumbled.

He chuckled and pushed me towards Heidi. I groaned and got myself ready for torture.

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