Letting Go of the Rope

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They say that when you lose your mate, the pull makes you miserable. You would do anything to be back in their arms. Anything to get another kiss from them. But I don't feel anything. Could it be that Alec and I weren't meant to be mates? That we were....just a mistake like everything else in my goddamned life is? There are three months left exactly. I can already feel my power draining. It's becoming harder and harder to control the shadows without fainting from exhaustion. Maybe I should just dig up a grave for myself and lay there until the last of my days. No one would find me. No one would disturb me. The prophecy will never be fulfilled. My list of things will never be done. And I think I would like it that way. Perhaps it was the way that it was meant to be. Alec would be happy with Corin. R.J. wouldn't have the Volturi chasing after his tail. The Volturi won't have to babysit me anymore. The Cullens can finally hold a celebration. The girl that was trying to kill me would laugh till she couldn't anymore. My shadows would be free at last. It's a win win situation. I would finally rest in peace. Nothing will ever bother me again. I knew from the moment that God laid his eyes on me that I wasn't meant to be born. I was mistake. I was the unwanted Cullen. You may be telling me to keep strong right now. To not lose hope. But how can I hold on when the rope is breaking? How can I hold on when the person on the other end is slowly letting go? How can I hold on when I, myself don't even want to? Every muscle in my body strains and tells me to quit. My brain keeps echoing the smart remarks and broken promises in my head. It hurts. I want it to end. I want to let go of that rope and drop to my death. I want Death to claim me. How can I hold on when I know that a smile will light up on his face when I let go? I'll look up at the light one last time and smile at the camera. And I'll let go as soon as it snaps the picture. The wind will rush through my hair and kiss every inch of my face like how I always wanted my lover to. Then I will drop onto the hard cement underneath me. My limbs will dislocate. It will only hurt for a second. Nothing more. They say that when Death arrives, he gives you seven minutes to review your life. To see your sins and your good deeds. I know in that seven minutes that I will see that monitor at that hospital. It will slow down. And then it will stop. Because even it has lost hope.

The Seventeen Promises They Made  (An Alec Volturi Love Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon