Everyone's Little Secret

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Author's Note:

Hey lovely readers! Thank you for voting for my chapters! I appreciate all of you who have read this far. So this is going to be a very very long chapter. It's going to provide both factual information and things that I just made up. So if something is incorrect, it was meant to be. Thank you and enjoy!



Do you know how there are different holidays, each representing a different thing? Christmas is all about joy, giving, and presents. Halloween is about dressing up and 'honoring' the dead spirits and ghosts. Valentine's day is about love and candy and roses. You get the point. Well Aro decided to make a day in honor of me. He said that I made a very strong impact on the Volturi coven and that I deserved to be remembered forever. Guess what it's called? If you guessed Secrets Day, you're right! It's on June 6, for all of you that want to know. Why? I don't know. So on this made up holiday, you get a bunch of your friends together and tell secrets to each other. I have a feeling that many people will despise this holiday....for more than one reason. So here I am in this tiny attic with Felix, Demetri, Alec, Jane, Heidi, Renata, Corin, Aro, Marcus, Caius, Sulpicia, Athenodora, Santiago, and Chelsea. Aro wanted all of us to share our deepest secret with each other. Since there were so many weird topics, we decided to settle on one: how each of us was turned and our life before we were vampires. Aro told us to go in alphabetical order so Alec was first. Since Alec and Jane were twins and had the same childhood, we decided that they could tell the story together.

"So Jane and I were born in the 800 ADs when witchcraft was strictly forbidden. Everyone in our village practiced Christianity, therefore Paganism was greatly frowned upon. Back then, people were very suspicious of others being possessed by the supposed Devil called Satan and/or Lucifer. Our mother, Guinevere Allure Carter, was an Anglo-Saxon woman and our father ,Francis Ethan Carter, was a Frankish soldier. We were a poor family, therefore a possible suspects for witch trials. Jane and I were born twins, which was unusually rare back then since there were no doctors and babies usually died after a few minutes. The plain fact that both of us survived was already very attention drawing." said Alec.

"Alec and I were very close. We did everything together. Since our father was rarely home, we had to help our mother with her chores and making money. Alec was a woodcutter. He helped provide the village with lumber towards the colder seasons. During summer, he carried buckets of drinking water to every house. I, on the other hand, helped our mother sew, cook, wash, clean, and the other house chores. From time to time, I would help her in the fields to pick crops during the harvest seasons. Other than that, I rarely go out of the house." said Jane.

"It was our thirteenth birthday. Mother made us some cookies which Jane and I saved in our little cupboard in our bedroom so we could savor the taste. I remember that day very clearly. Even father was home. We all sang happy birthday and Jane and I played around. There were no chores that day, all was well." smiled Alec, the memory still fresh in his mind.

"Then bad luck started to befall on our cottage. We received news that Father was killed in battle. We were going to go to his funeral, however, Mother got really sick, too sick to travel. She soon died. The council took away our home, our farm, everything we had. Alec and I were left on the streets to fend for ourselves. Alec mostly took care of me. He would steal food from our neighbors at night and give most of it to me, eating only rations of it. Sometimes, it would get so bad that we would only have two potatoes every week. Alec would give me one and a half and only half of it himself. I tried to persuade him to eat more but he wouldn't." Jane smiled gently at her brother.

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