First Session = Success!

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I led my sector to the training room. Blue mats covered the floors and walls to prevent us from breaking the walls. It worked. Most of the time. The few times that the mats were penetrated was all Felix's fault. I looked at my sector. There really wasn't anything I could do to make them any more powerful. Their gifts are among the deadliest of all vampires. Even their names strike fear in the bravest hearts. But when it came to hand to hand combat, they were pretty much screwed. I took a deep breath.

"Ok. So there really isn't anything I could do to strengthen your gifts. They are already to perfection. If you wish to continue practicing your gifts and strengthening it, you may do so in your own time. However, in the training room, you will be focusing on hand to hand combat. Now I am not the best when it comes to this. Felix is. But since he isn't here, I will have to try my best to teach you. Alec, charge at me. Jane, watch closely and tell me what he could do to improve. Oh and also, don't hold back love." I smirked.

He laughed.

"Not in a million years dear." he said taking off his jacket and tossing it to the side of the room.

I crouched in a defensive position and motioned for him to come at me. He ran towards me in attempt to throw a punch at my face. I grabbed his fist and twisted it, making him fall on the ground.

"Never let your opponents anticipate your moves." I instructed, looking at Jane.

I felt something kick me in the back, sending me tumbling to the floor. Alec pinned my wrists above my head and smirked, pecking me on the lips.

"Never take your eyes off your opponents until they are dead." he smiled.

I laughed and got up.

"Good job. You getting all this Jane?" I asked, lookng at the petite figure.

She nodded.

"Okay then. Come at me." I said, getting back into the defensive crouch.

She sprinted towards me. From my perspective, it looked like she was going to punch me in the stomach. However, in the last second, she dropped down and swept her legs under me. I landed on my back but shot up, pinning her against the wall.

"Very well done. Make sure to never lose focus." I congratulated.

She nodded.

"Now. We need to find ways to get out of an opponents grasp. Alec, if I am holding you like this-" I said, pinning one arm behind him against the wall. "-what do you do?"

He banged his head back against mine and pinned my arm behind me. I smirked and used my other hand to hand his wrist, flipping him around.

"Good strategy. But avoid hurting yourself in the process." I smirked, noting how Alec was rubbing his head.

"Now Jane. How 'bout this?" I asked, pinning both of her hands above her head against a wall.

She kneed me in the stomach, causing me to double back.

"Yes. Very painful and useful. But with guys, make sure to aim lower." I said, shooting Jane a wink.

She laughed and nodded.

"Umm....still here!" said Alec.

I laughed.

"I know love. If a vampire does do that to you, make sure to cover your head as much as you can to make it less possible for your opponent to rip it off. When you have recovered, you can spring back up in surprise and trip them or punch them. Try it. Curl into a ball. Don't worry. I'm not actually going to kick you there." I laughed lightly.

Alec curled into a ball as I slowly advanced towards him. I tried to grab his head but he kept twisting out of my grasp. Then, out of nowhere, he sprung up and got me in a headlock. He kissed my neck.

"Pretend those were my fangs. Your dead." he smirked.

I laughed and wriggled out of his grasp. I looked at the time and saw that it was already 2 pm and that Felix's sector was making their way here.

"Wonderful session guys. Make sure to think of more strategies and techniques. Oh and don't forget to practice your gifts." I smiled.

"Yes ma'am." said Alec joking.

I rolled my eyes and walked out to meet Felix.

"So how did it go Secret?" he asked.

"Good. Have fun." I smirked.

"I will." he called.

"Oh and don't break anyone!" I called as I walked away.

"I'll try!" he called back.

I laughed and ran to my room, locking the door and settling down with a book on my bed.

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