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Fie Wright's P. O. V

The sounds of hushed sobs wracking through the quiet room causes me to lower my eyes to the white tiled floor. The room despondent as all our hearts clench at the mere thought of our Alpha crying out loud for his beloved mate. Our once strong and stoic leader now nothing but an ashen man with grief coursing through his body. No one dares to utter a word as I slide into the hospital room, my eyes still fixed onto the tiled floor as my shoes move silently across it.

Lifting my head, my eyes connect with that of my fathers, soft brown tired eyes crinkled at the sides as fatigue lines every inch of his face. His once tall broad shoulders now slightly hunched over as he turns his greying head towards our Alpha and Luna. The murmuring that stopped once I slid into the room, picks up again as my father speaks to the Alpha, the words hushed but precise. I wouldn't be surprised if the Alpha could hear anything over his crying.

This is how it's been; our Alpha on the verge of insanity as he grieves for his beloved mate. Day in and day out, the man barely leaving her side until someone forces him to eat and shower. He sits by her side every day either staring at her, or crying further as the thought of us losing our Luna becomes a daunting prospect each and every passing second. The Pack is filled with questions, always trying to see the Luna and Alpha and wondering when both of our leaders will be back to normal.

I don't think anyone realises the full extent of what's going on. I don't even think I understand the whole thing, or maybe I just don't want to. The thought of us not having a Luna too much to bear.

It almost seems like eons ago when our Luna first became ill. The sickness striking out of the blue, only to progressively get worse and worse. The Pack Doctor's weren't sure about what the illness was or how it came about but they tried all they could. Just as we thought she was getting better, she crashed and fell into a coma. Ever since then, the Pack has slowly stared to fall apart at the absence of the two leading authorities. Even though our Alpha is still walking, it's like he's stuck right there with his mate; unable to function and comprehend properly.

The sobs of the Alpha slow down gradually as my father continues to talk to him, tone so low I'm unable to catch the words.

A comforting hand lands on the Alpha's shoulder whereas I turn my gaze towards the only other woman in the room. My heart clenching even more as my wolf goes restless within me at the mere sight of our Luna. Her once rich dark brown skin now pale and lost its lifeless glow as the machine helps her to breathe. Her chest moving up and down with every pump of the ventilator. Once full red lips now discoloured and chapped, even her thick locks of curly hair have lost their shine as they lie limp and dull. It almost seems like ages ago when her strongly accented voice would ask everyone how they were. Eager to know as much as possible about each and everyone in the pack so she could help in whatever way possible. The Luna's joyous personality incredibly endearing and infectious leaves a gaping hole more than anything.

I barely manage to get roused from my thoughts and to side step out of the way as the Alpha rushes out of the room. The man almost rushing about blindly as he breathes deeply and uncontrollably, probably on the verge of shifting into his beast. The entire scene plunges the already morose mood into a deeper depression. This must be one of the rarer times he's left his mates side ever since she's gotten into this state.

"Fie." Comes my fathers gravelly voice as he lets out a sigh, dropping into the chair where the Alpha previously sat. He resumes the same hunched over position as we both fix our gaze onto the woman. "Yes?" My voice is soft and barely much more than a whisper, sort of how it always is whenever I'm in this room. One part of me not wanting to disturb our Luna just in case she truly is asleep. Something I like to tell myself.

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