Chapter 4

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Warning: Triggering scene, if you do not wish to read a scene that may trigger you proceed to the next ****



"Wake up, Mutt." My Father growled.

I quickly mustered up the courage to stand on my feet.

"Yes, Sir?" I stared at him straight in the eye.

He started to undo the belt around his waist, I immediately knew what was about to happen and my eyes began to swell up.

"Please, Sir. Don't." My Father inched closer to me with his sinister smirk.

"Father, please!" I begged.

"Don't call me that!" His belt struck me across my face as the words left his lips. I fell onto the single mattress laid out on the floor and quickly pushed myself against the wall as my Father crept closer and closer to me.

I know what's about to happen but I still try to fight it. My Fathers done this many times before since my mother died. As he got closer his hands reached the top of my shorts and he began pulling them down. The tears were following out of my eyes and he slapped me.

"You know better than to cry! Now take off your shirt." He ordered.

I did as he asked. I've never been given a bra since my last one broke so all I had to do was take off my old raggedy tank top and my chest was on full display. The disgusting look of pleasure on his face made me want to vomit.

"Thatta girl." He said as he toward over me, proceeding to take off his own clothes.

I looked everywhere but at him with tears in my eyes until he was completely undressed and ready to take what should've been my mates once again.

He forced my whole body down and spread my legs open revealing the folds of my vagina. Drool was dripping from his mouth as he jerked himself off to my vagina. He began fingering my vagina and I just cried even harder and he slapped me again and again and again until I finally stopped crying and held back all my emotions. He was finally ready to tear me apart once more. Break my soul into even smaller pieces. As he slowly slide inside me I whimpered at the pain.

Find your happy place. Find your happy place. Find your happy place. Is all I could think as he held my head tightly and trusted inside me. A few tears escaped my eyes but he was too busy violating his only daughter to notice.

I tried thinking of a better place. Thinking of how different my life could've been if I had a different father. I'd probably have a few close friends, as I've honestly never been a people person, and I'd be enrolled in highschool about to graduate waiting for the day I finally meet my other half, my one and only, my mate. I'd be closer with my brothers and spend as much time as I could with them picking on them and their mates if they'd found them yet that is. And I'd be bestfriends with my mother. My sweet mother. As these thoughts of a better life flooded my mind, I was able to block out the physical and emotional scarring taking place.

Finally he was done and left me on the old and dirty mattress naked and alone. I curled up to myself and cried and cried til I couldn't cry anymore.

Why me? What did I do to deserve this?

Finally I drifted off into a cold lonely slumber, awaiting my next beating.


1 Week Later.



"Father! There's Warrior Wolves on the property! They aren't of our pack. I smell the scent of rogues, I think that's what they're after." Bernardo frantically spoke.


"Gather your brothers and disguise Bella's scent. We can't risk her mate being amongst either of those groups."

Bernardo nodded and ran out of my office.

What the hell am I going to do? I thought to myself. I thought we were far enough away! I thought we'd be at peace here!

"Dammit!" I yelled as I flung all the paperwork on my desk onto the floor.

I sighed and laid back in my chair. It'll be fine. I thought. The boys will mask Bella's scent and no one will known we're here. And if they find out. I'll rip them to shreds before they run back to Alazar. Last thing we need is him finding us.

What happens if he does? He didn't give permission. My wolf, Duradel, spoke.

Relax, Duradel, he'll never find us.




When I woke up this morning my day was booked with meetings. Mostly small stuff with an occasionally Alpha to Alpha meeting but nothing prepared me for my last meeting of the day.

I walked into my assembly room where I conduct my larger, more important meetings. The walls were lined with bookshelves and paintings dating back to the 1800s and the room had a large table with many seats to fit my fellow Alphas and their Betas. Which was definitely needed as of right now.

When I walked in the room was pact. I saw many familiar faces and gave a smile and nod to each as I made my way to my seat.

"Hello, gentlemen and ladies. The meeting has now begun, you may be seated." As everyone got situated I took the chance to read over the notes concerning the meeting my Beta, had prepared for me.

"So I see we all have a few concerns we'd like to discuss. Let's begin."



Time flew by and the meeting was coming to a close.

"Alright and lastly, Alpha Alazar. You said you had some trouble amongst your pack? What's going on?"

Before Alazar could get a word out my Beta rushed in, "Rouges are attacking our Northern boarders!"

I quickly stood up, "This meeting has been postponed. Alphas, Betas, if you'd like to go back to your rooms you may and if you'd like to assist in this matter, I'd be more than happy to accept the help." Everyone nodded and some Alphas and their Betas returned to their quarters meanwhile the others supplied a few of their protective detail to mine. We all must help each other when it comes to rogues, because if a rogue steps out of line with one Pack it'll step out of line with all Packs.


My I along with my Warrior Wolves and the few supplied from the other Alphas made our way to the Northern boarder. When we got there my guards were in full attack with a pack of rogues.

We all joined in on the fight, killing most of the wolves. Some fled and we chased after them. We ran through countless sections of the woods. We were eventually out of my territory and on free land, meaning no pack owns this area and usually free land is where humans set down their roots.

We were finally gaining speed on the rogues who fled as we past a house and my wolf starting acting out. He didn't want to proceed and I had to really get a grip on him. We passed the residence swiftly and managed to subdue the rogues.

"You're coming back with us." I spoke glaring at the rogue covered in its and my guards blood.

As we passed the house once more I had to stop and stare. I don't know why but something was pulling me to that house. I shook my head and continued running, catching up with my pack.

Today's been one hell of a day.

Broken Angel | ✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora