Chapter 18

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After Sin was finished torturing me with tickles we made our way into town. I told him to take me to the best burger joint he's ever been to. I love me some burger and fries. It's one of my most favorite foods. I could literally have that as a meal every day for the rest of my life. 

"Do you want to listen to the radio?" Sin asked, not taking his eyes off the road. 

"Sure." I responded and he began scrolling between stations. All of a sudden one of my favorite songs came on. It was Tell Me You Love Me by Demi Lovato. 

"Oh, can you hear my heart say? Ooh-ooh, oh, oh-ooh-ohh-ooh." I started to sing the song, forgetting I was in the car with Sin. 

"Oh, tell me you love me. I need someone. On days like this, I do." I was singing my heart out when towards the end of the song we pulled into a small diner parking lot and Sin turned to face me wearing an expression of complete amazement. 

I started to blush as he turned the volume and asked, "What?.. Do I sound bad?" 

"Hell no! Bella you have a such a beautiful voice! I wasn't expecting that." He said enthusiastically. 

"Okay....Let's go eat." I said changing the subject and getting out of the car. 

We made our way into the diner, it was small cute little retro diner with a black and red color scheme and black and white tile flooring. Surprisingly, this place was actually pretty packed. That made me even more excited because when a place is this packed, they must serve good food. 

Sin and I make our way to the back of the diner and slide into a small booth. Roughly five minutes later the waitress had finally made her way to our table and took our orders. Got their double cheese burger, ketchup and mustard only, a side of their stake fries and a Dr. Pepper. Sin got their brunch special, even though it was lunch but he apparently was a regular so they made an exception.

When the waitress left our table, Sin and I just spent the next few minutes staring at each other in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence, we were just studying each others features; at least that's what I was doing staring at him, I can't speak for what he was doing when staring at me.

Sin has very defined features including a sharp jaw line with a dark stubble. He had a longer really straight nose with beautiful golden brown eyes above. His jet black hair was slightly messy and looked so adorable on him. 

I didn't even notice Sin had begun speaking to me until finally I heard a loud yell that caused me to jump back in my seat.

"What!?" I shouted, making everyone turn around and stare at me. I felt really self-conscious and sort of sunk into the booth. Praying for everyone to stop looking at me. 

Which they finally did and Sin spoke again, "I asked, do you want to play 20 questions while we wait for our food?" 

I adjusted myself and nodded, "Sure, why not? You first though." I said, placing my elbows on the table to hold up my head. 

"Okay. How old are you?" He asked. 

"18. How old are you?" I replied and asked my first question. 

He was silent for a moment before replying, "26." Sin looked down at the table, I think he was worried I would mind the age gap, but I didn't. My grandparents on my Mom's side had a 13 year gap, my grandmother was 21 when she met my grandfather and he was 34. 

She was actually my grandfather's second chance mate. He had originally met his first mate when he had just turned 18, she was older herself, 22, but sadly she died during childbirth a few years later. The baby died too...It's a really sad story but then my grandpa found my grandma and they lived happily ever after. Until my Mother found my Father however but that's a story for another time.

"Cool. Your go." I said. 

"Woah, wait. You're not freaked out about the difference in our ages?" He asked. 

"No. And that's your second question," I said winking. "What's your favorite color?" I asked. 

Sin rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"White," He replied. "What's your biggest fear?" He asked. 

It took me a second to reply but I finally gathered the courage, "Being rejected." 

Before Sin could reply thankfully our waitress came to the table with our meals. I felt my mouth already start drooling. I started to dig in, eating everything as fast as I could. It's been so long since I've had a decent meal. 

Even though I was allowed out of the basement to cook dinner for my Father and Brothers I was never allowed to eat what I made. I always got scraps literally from the garbage. Whatever sacks the boys had eaten but maybe not finished entirely that day and had thrown away were recovered at night and given to me. I have no idea how I survived so many years in that prison after my Mother died. 

"I hope you know, Bella, I don't plan on ever rejecting you." Sin softly spoke up.

He entangles his hand in mine and continued, "I know we may not know each other well yet but I can already promise you this, I will never leave you. I will do whatever I have to, to earn your trust and gain your love. I don't care how long it takes, I'll wait; but I will never, and I mean, *never*, reject you." 

I felt my eyes start to water, "Thank you, Sin." As a tear fell down my cheek he wiped it away with his thumb and replied, "Don't thank me, Hermosa. It's what I'm here for." 

I smile and we proceed to eat our food and play the questions game. I found out Sins hobbies are reading, exercising, and running the pack. I laughed and told him running the pack isn't a hobby and he just shrugged. 

I also learned he's very humble and clearly isn't used to talking about himself because he seemed very awkward at a few of my questions and didn't really know how to respond. His favorite animal is a dolphin, he's obsessed with the Fast and Furious series, and he has a secret passion for cars. Oh! And he speak four languages; his first is Spanish, like me, his second is English and then French and Russian. 

Finally after all the silly questions were out of the way, we started entering into serious topic questions. 

"So, where's your Mom and Dad?" I asked. 

Sin's head slowly fell and he let out a heavy sigh. 

"They're dead. They died five years ago along with my baby sister, Thea." I felt my heart break as I could see the hurt in Sin's eyes. 

"I don't know what all Hendrix told you but I have three little brothers, Hendrix and Chicago who you've met already and then the youngest Theo, who was Thea's twin." Sin suddenly got really emotional and changed the topic. 

"How about you? What's the story behind your family?" I took in a deep breath and slowly let it out, this is going to be a long story but I don't know if I'm ready to talk about them yet...

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