Chapter 19

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The second Bella asked about my parents, I felt like breaking down. I don't know why, but I felt like I could around her. I know it's probably because she is my mate and all but I'm never like this. Especially in public, but Bella...she just affects me in a way no one ever has. 

After I briefly told her about how my parents and little sister passed away, I sifted the subject onto her family and instantly regretted it. I knew her family was an extremely sensitive topic but still stupidly asked her about them all because I didn't want to show her my emotions towards mine. Idiot. 

Bella sighed deeply and I could tell her brain was racking inside her head. 

"You don't have to answer. That was a stupid question." I shook my head and took a drink of my lemonade. 

"No, it's alright. I have to tell you sooner or later and sooner the better right?" She tried to fake a smile but I could tell this was hard for her. I entangled our hands together on the table and slowly rubbed my thumb in circles against her skin. This seemed to relax her. 

"Well I was born into the Dawn Pack, 18 years ago. For the first few years of my life everything was great. I had two loving, stupid older brothers, Bernardo, who we all called Bernie, and Blanco, as well I had a little brother named Bruno. He's the baby and was always treated like such. And my parents seemed to not only be in love with each other but with all of us." Bella started to smile recalling her memories. 

"But the day I turned seven, everything changed. This was around the time my Uncle Damario had challenged our Alpha and was kicked out of the pack. My Father lost it and slowly turned into a raging alcoholic."

Damario...where have I heard that name before? I thought to myself. 

Bella continued, her face slowly turning sad, saying, "It started off as stupid punishments. I would get in trouble for the simplest thing and be spanked repeatedly or thrown in the basement for a 'time-out' that lasted all night. But then as the years went by it escalated. When I turned 10, my Father had now been putting his hands on my mother for about 6 months and I wasn't having it. Hurt me, fine, but don't touch my mother, is what I thought." Bella said, trying to fight back the tears I could see swelling up in her eyes. 

"Bella, you don't have to talk about this now... We can wait." I pleaded. 

"No, I have to tell you now otherwise I won't have the courage to later." She took a deep breath in and I nodded letting her know it was okay to keep going. 

"I would constantly defend my Mom whenever they would fight and he would smack her, leading to a beating for myself. When I turned 12 and shifted for the first time, I began fighting him with my wolf, Dexia. This was when he decided to move my room from the upstairs into the basement, chaining me up." 

"What about your brothers," I asked. "Didn't they try to help?" 

"Bernardo and Blanco have always been too scared of my Dad to stand up for any of us and Bruno was too little. Even though he's a year younger than me, he was always treated like the baby. He didn't know how to stand up for his Mother or his sister. I was the only one not scared of my Dad or really, the only one who really loved our Mother enough to try to protect her."

"However a year later, when I was 13, I lost the only thing that kept my going...My Mother. My Father and her had gotten into another fight over having sex and he started beating her. My Father had only ever beaten me, he would occasionally slap my Mom who was a petite woman, so it'd cause her to fall on the ground, but he never hit her more than once. I wouldn't let him, but this time... I was chained up in the basement and I couldn't help her." 

Bella started to cry and I wanted to stop her but I knew she wouldn't. She couldn't. So I just squeezed her hand tighter as she continued. 

"I heard her screaming, begging my brothers for help but they didn't rescue her. They didn't care. She died that night, by the hand of her own mate. The person who's supposed to protect her with their life. I Father went too far but he was too far gone to care. After that point, everything went to shit. My Father soon got my eldest brothers in on the action of beating me. I started receiving beatings daily, sometimes multiple times a day."

I felt my blood begin to boil as Bella explained what she has gone through her entire life. I wanted to find those bastards and kill them all, slowly and painfully. I wanted to make them pay. Emry needed to make them pay. 

"Before, my Mother would make sure I got at least one good meal a day but after she died I was barely being fed crumbs. I grew weaker and weaker with each passing day. When my Father finally felt like he could trust me not to shift into Dexia, he let me out of the basement to cook and clean, like my Mother used to do. I was 15 at this time. I convinced Bruno whenever I was allowed up to let me use his radio and sometimes even his laptop. That's how I developed my taste for music and art. I've always been thankful for Bruno."

I felt my heart twinge when she mentioned how much she cared about Bruno. I didn't know if she knew that we had Bruno and we've been torturing him, trying to get information. I felt my heart sink. What if when she finds out she hates me for the way I treated her baby brother? 

My thoughts began attacking me and I felt hot and light headed. 

"Sin? Sin? Are you okay?" Bella asked, sliding out from her side of the booth and into mine.

She wrapped her arms around me and turned my head to look at her, "What's going on? Do you have a headache?" She questioned me further. 

"I..I'm fine, Bella." I said, slightly pushing her off of me and rubbing her arm. "I just got light headed for a second. I'm alright." Bella didn't seem to believe me but she got up and pretended like she did. 

After she sat back in her seat I knew I had to tell her before she continued her story. I'm not one to lie or withhold information from people, I've always been upfront and honest. No matter what. I can't be any different now.

"Bella, I have something to tell you." 

Bella cocked her head to the right and replied, "What is it?" 

I took a deep breath in and prepared myself for the worst. 

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