Chapter 11

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This chapter we will be starting where Bella's last POV ended. Seeing what happened to her while Sin was gone. Enjoy!




It's been a few minutes since my mate left and I was already regretting everything I didn't say. I face palmed my forehead thinking about how stupid I am. Why didn't I talk!? I yelled inside my head. Why!? Why... I started to cry when suddenly there was a knock at my door. 

Before I could allow the person to come, they opened the door and walked right in. A tall, lengthy man appeared. He almost mirrored my mate with the same tan skin and dark hair but his eyes were darker and he was slightly smaller but he too was very muscular. 

"Hello." He said. His voice was deep, but not as deep as my mates. 

Ugh, why do I keep comparing him!? I annoyed myself. 

I must've rolled my eyes because the man proceeded to say with a hint of amusement, "Am I annoying you, Missy?" My eyes went wide and I went to speak but again, I just couldn't... So I violently shook my head no. 

He chuckled and replied, "It's alright, I'm just teasing you. I'm Hendrix. Do you have a name?". 

I nodded my head but then hung it low as he asked, "May I know what it is?". 

"What is it?" Hendrix asked. 

I slowly lifted my head up, making eye contacted with his dark chocolate eyes and pointed to my throat. I shook my head 'no' while pointing, hoping he'd understand my little game of charades. 

Thankfully he did and replied, "You can't speak?" which I replied with a nod. 

He got up from the bed and left the room. For a second I thought he had enough with my pathetic self and went on with his day but he reappeared seconds later with a pen and notepad in his hand. 

"Here, can you write?" He asked, setting the supplies in my lap. Once again, I nodded and proceeded to write down my name. 

"Bella? That's a beautiful name you have. Is it short for Isabella?" He asked. 

I swiftly shook my head again, I hate when people assume my name is shortened when in reality it's just plain Bella. 

I wrote this down on the pad and he said, "Oh, I'm sorry. Just Bella it is." He smiled causing a little grin to crept upon my lips. 

"I made you smile!" He shouted and I quickly shushed him. 

He just laughed and continued having a conversation with me through his talk and my pad. I don't know why it seemed to be easier talking to Hendrix than my mate but I did learn a lot from our conversation. Hendrix is my mate's little brother, apparently he has two others. Three in total, just like me. Hendrix didn't tell me my mate's name, he said that was for him to do, but he did say the other brothers were Chicago and Theo. Our conversation continued into pack details like the name, which is the Silverclaw Pack, the location and who the Beta is, I got his name too, it's Fletcher. 

I couldn't help but think how cute all these guy's names were. I wonder what my mate's is.. Almost like magic the door pushed open harshly and there he was. He growled at Hendrix, looking between us two, most likely having heard our laughs and giggles. I started to lower my head in fear meanwhile Hendrix just rolled his eyes and got up from the bed, walking over to my mate, tapped his shoulder, whispered something and exited the room. 

Once again, as my mate made his way to me, I covered myself in my blanket. I still haven't changed out of these hideous clothes and the fear of him seeing me for how ugly I truly am will cause him to reject me, made me want to hide myself and push him away. 

Even though I was giving off 'stay away' vibes, that didn't stop my mate from setting at the edge of the bed, staring into my eyes once again. 

"So, your name's Bella?" He asked. I just stared back at him. 

After a minute or two of silence he huffed in anger, getting up and rushing for the door. Dexia was whimpering and freaking out, my mind was racing, my heart was thumping and I suddenly blurted out, "YES!". 

He stopped in his tracks. After a few moments he slowly turned around to face me. His face went bright red and he looked nervous. He rubbed the back of his neck and mumbled something under his breath but I couldn't hear him. 

"W-What?" I asked. He sighed and came closer. "That's... a lovely name." I shyly turned away as my face turned a bright pink. My mate let out a low chuckle and I felt my heart melt. 

"I'm Sin. Sin Gonzalez." I turned back and finally allowed myself to take him in completely. His name definitely fit him, I couldn't picture him with another. 

"That's quite lovely too." I replied. "I'm Bella Garcia, and no it does not stand for Isabella. My name is just Bella." I puffed in annoyance causing Sin to laugh. 

"Do you feel like speaking to me right now? I understand you've been through a lot and I-" All of a sudden everything really started to hit me and I could see Sin's lips moving but couldn't hear him. My thoughts were racing a million miles per hours. 

I wasn't in the basement, I wasn't with my Father, where is my Father? Where are my Brothers? And suddenly my eyes went wide as my heart sunk into my stomach. Where's my Uncle? 

"Bella? Bella!" Sin grabbed a hold of my shoulders and shook me twice, snapping me out of my terrified trance. 

"How am I here!?" I panicked. 

"Where's my Father!? And my Brothers? Oh my God, they're gonna kill me! Oh my God, did you kill them!?" I rushed out of the bed and began pacing back and worth freaking out without a care in the world how much pain my body was feeling. 

"I-I-I can't be here! I-I-I have to go! They-They're gonna find me!" I started shaking and tears began to pour from my eyes, Sin quickly got up and pulled me into his embrace. At first I tried to push him away but his iron grip wouldn't allow me to escape and eventually I felt my body start to relax.

"Calm down, Hermosa. I'm here. Calm down, everything's going to be alright." Sin spoke softly as he stroked my hair. I felt my breathing return to a normal steady pace and my thoughts slowly disappeared. 

I pressed myself further against Sin, taking in his scent and enjoying every second of this moment. The second Sin put his hands around my small frame every worry in my mind eased to exist. It felt as though we were the only ones in the entire world, just him and I. 

I closed my eyes and took in a few deep breaths. 

"Thank you..." I whispered against his chest. 

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