Chapter 6

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So I just want to give a heads up before we got into this chapter. This chapter will be starting off right before the end of Chapter 5, but will be in Sin's POV vs. Bella's. 




It's been a week since Alpha Alazar came to me with his concerns about a family in his pack that basically went rogue and has disappeared without a trace. I promised him we'd keep an eye out for any unfamiliar scents in our area as well we'd conduct a few search parties just to double check they aren't in our territory. Well, it seems they may be.

A Warrior Wolf of mine remembers when we were chasing the rogues that he smelled something weird, something unfamiliar for that area. It was the house we passed. The house I couldn't stop staring at. My gut told me that the house just had to have something to do with this. My wolves track our territory weekly and they never sensed there was anyone else around, but that area was out of our pack's reach so it makes sense my guys never noticed. 

Sly dogs. I thought. 

Not until that day and then the Alpha said that he has a couple of missing wolves. That can't be a coincidence. So we've finally made time in our busy schedule to gather a few of my wolves and search that house. It took about 20 minutes to prepare everyone and give them the necessary details. 

As I stood in front of my most trusted and fearless wolves I started with my speech, "As you all know, Alpha Alazar was here along with the other Alpha's around for our monthly meeting when we were interrupted by the rogues. Well, his business went unfinished after that incident but now we're ready to finish it." Everyone began whispering to each together.

I continue saying, "Alpha Alazar had some pack members go missing after a salty meeting. We have reason to believe they fled his pack and took shelter in the free lands between our pack and his. As you are all well aware of, that goes against quite a few pack laws not only of ours but of his as well. We will be checking the location we have secured where we believe the rogues are staying."

"Yes, we have to call them rogues even though Alazar will want to allow them access into his pack again, but they fled without permission, making them rogues. We believe there are four males in the house and one female. If they give you trouble, you know what to do; but no lives are to be taken. They are to be captured and brought back to the prison. Understood?" I finished. The wolves proceeded to nod and they all answered back, "Yes, Alpha.". 



As we reached the house I could definitely smell the unknown scents of these rogues but as my men stormed in through the front door, I caught a whiff of an amazing scent. Lavender and chocolate. My wolf started going stir crazy like he did the day we were chasing the rogues. 

I rushed inside to help my men and as we thought, this was the family Alazar was worried about. The males did not take kindly to my wolves attack and they started to fight back. I wasn't concerned because I have trust in my wolves, we're not known to be one of the strongest and most feared packs for no reason, so I felt okay to search for that wonder smell. 

As I turned into a doorway of what was the kitchen it hit me like a ton of bricks. Two of my men were already in there, had already subdued what appeared to be the only female of this family and as soon as she turned to face me, our eyes made contact and my wolf screamed and pounded against my mind. So many emotions flooded my system as both she and I found our way to each other and voiced one word I have waited so long to hear, "Mate.". 



As soon as we said those words the man in front of me, my mate, wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck. We took in each together's scents and for the first time in so long, I felt at peace. It was like my whole world stopped spinning and I was finally on solid ground. I had finally found the person who makes everything better. I finally had my mate.

But it didn't last long. I heard my father mind-link my brothers telling them to get me and all of a sudden I was ripped away from his grasp. My heart shattered. Dexia was going nuts trying to get back to our mate but Blanco had his death grip around me. 

"Let me go, Blanco! Let me go!" I screamed and kicked and punched him. 

Mate! Mate! We have to go back to mate! Dexia thrashed inside my head.

"Shut it, Mutt!" Blanco growled and before I knew it darkness hit me and I was out. 



I was tearing the house apart piece by piece searching for her. My wolves had managed to knock out and capture one of the males but the other three escaped with my mate. My wolf, Embry, was going absolutely mad. He tried breaking lose multiple times but finally I had to block him out entirely. I can't have him running lose uncontrolled. I tore through the house looking for any sign or evidence that could point me in her direction. 

I had already tried mind-linking her but we haven't marked each other yet and I tried to track her scent but her family's very smart, they masked her scent immediately so I couldn't trace her. I finally caught a huge amount of her scent but it was coming from the basement of this house. I busted open the door and ran down the stairs and without a moments glance I fell to the knees.

There was blood everywhere. Chains were hanging from the walls and there were extras on the floor, some were to replace the others on the wall with a collar for her neck instead of her wrists. My chest got tight as I felt a stabbing sensation in my heart. The room was terribly filthy. Not only was there blood everywhere but there was vomit and old rotten food and bugs and dust. A crusty old bed laid on the floor with stains covering it's once white fabric. 

I felt sick to my stomach as I couldn't help but picture what my poor mate must have gone through. The torture she must have endured and all by who? I know Alazar said this was a family but I beg to differ. No father, grandfather, brother, or uncle should ever be capable of doing such harm to their loved one, their daughter, sister, niece, what have you. In the matter of seconds my emotions went from heartbreak, sadness, despair to anger, rage, vengeance. 

Embry started to take over and I honestly couldn't fight him any longer. I need him in order to find her and those disgusting pieces of shit she has to call family. I will find them and I will kill them all. Starting with the one in my prison. 

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