Extras : Goodbye..

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That Same Night


After the ceremony, everyone gathered at the Pack House to celebrate with an after party. There was loud music blasting, snacks and drinks at every corner, wolves dancing around everywhere, and many couples shacked up making out. 

It felt nice to be apart of a real family and pack again. I couldn't help but smile but that smile quickly faded when I realized one thing. 

Where's Theo?

I made my way around the party, thanking everyone I came across for coming, hugging a few people, and expressing my appreciation before I finally made it to the kitchen where everyone was. 

I went over to Chicago and Lana and asked them, "Have you guys seen Theo?" but they shook their heads no, saying that hadn't. 

I went over to Bruno and Sophie who were entangled in each others tongues.

"Bruno! Stop sucking faces with your girlfriend!" I shouted causing his tan cheeks to go cheery red. 

"Bell!" He shouted in annoyance and I just laughed. 

"Have you seen Theo or Hendrix for that matter?" I asked and they both again shook their heads. 

Where the hell are these boys?

I once again went through the party thanking, hugging, and expressing my appreciation to those I encountered before I was able to exit the house and went outside. 

People were drinking, dancing, and talking outside as well so I figured maybe the boys were out here somewhere. 

I ended up running into this cute blonde and spilling her drink. 

"Oh my Goddess! I'm so sorry! Here, would you like me to get you a new shirt?" I asked panicked. 

"Oh no, love, you're all good. What's a little spilled juice gonna hurt?" She said with a cheery smile and I couldn't help but smile back. 

"I'm Bella. Bella Gonzalez." I replied sticking my hand out. 

Instead of shaking my hand the girl pulled me in for a hug shouting over the music, "I'm Rose! I'm a good friend of the boys!"

"Oh, really?" I asked. 

"Yeah! Congratulations new Luna. It's nice to finally meet you. Do you know where Chicago and Lana are?" She asked. 

"Yep, they're in the kitchen. Do you happen to know where my husband or Theo have gone to?" I asked puzzled and she nodded. 

"I just saw them, they're done by the village. I pulled in as Theo and Hendrix were pulling out." She spoke sweetly and I thanked her than ran down the road. 

Pulling out? I thought. Where the hell are they going? 



"Are you sure about this?" Sin asked me. 

"Yes, I'm sure. I can't stay here, Sin. Too many...memories." I said. 

"If you say so..." Sin replied and grabbed my hand. 

"I love you, Little Brother. Always remember that, okay?" He said and I nodded. 

Sin tapped the hood of the truck allowing Hendrix and I to leave and I felt my chest tighten. I know Bella's probably going to be really sad over my disappearance but I have to think about what's best for the both of us. 

She made her choice and that choice wasn't me... Every time I see her and Sin together I feel so many mixed emotions. Half the time I want to rip them apart and take Bella away with me but I know I can't do that. I'll not only be breaking my brothers heart but I know I'd hurt Bella too..

She's not my mate and therefore I need to leave. Hopefully while being on missions with my brother all around the world, I'll find mine and get over my feelings for Bella; but until then.. I'm never coming back here again. 



As I reached the village grounds I saw Sin standing at the end of the road as a car drove off and I felt tears form in my eyes. 

He wouldn't.. I thought. 

I sprinted to Sin and collapsed in his arms. 

"Where are they going!?" I demanded. 

"Bella, what are you doing here? Why aren't you back enjoying the party?" Sin asked. 

"Where are they fucking going, Sin!?" I yelled. 

"Hendrix is going back on his missions to help other Alphas and packs in need, Theo wanted to tag along with him. Something about there being too many memories here and he needed to get away." Sin explained. 

I immediately shifted and ran after the car, beginning to mind-link Theo.

"What in the hell are you doing!? You think you can kiss me and profess your love for me on my damn wedding day, never speak to me again, and then disappear on me!? Stop the fucking car, Theodore!"

Theo didn't reply but I continued sprinting. I couldn't let us end like this. He's my closest friend here. He's my brother-in-law! He can't leave me like this! How dare he!

"Theodore, fucking answer me! Don't you dare do this to me! Theodore, don't leave please! Not without saying goodbye."

"Goodbye." He replied. 

Hearing his last word to me stopped me in my tracks and I broke down crying on the side of the road. I hadn't even realized Sin had been following me until I felt his snout nuzzle against mine and he cuddled up next to my wolf. He laid his head on top of mine as I continued to cry. 

He really left without saying anything... I can't believe this is our last goodbye...

After a few minutes of lying on the side of the road with our wolves exposed Sin finally got up. 

"Come on, Baby. Let's get back." He linked me and I slowly got up. 

I nodded my head and we ran back to the Pack House. We both changed into a new set of clothes and headed downstairs to the kitchen. I went around the counter to grab come chips and a Dr. Pepper. 

"Are you okay, Bell?" Bruno asked. 

"Yeah, I'm-"

"Bruno!!" Someone cut me off with their high pitched scream. 

We all turned to face the kitchen doorway and see none other than Viola standing there, panting with a stick in her hand. 

"You got me pregnant!" She shouted and all our jaws dropped. 

"I what!?" Bruno yelled. 

"He what!?" Sophie whispered with an all too familiar heart breaking crack in her voice.


And that's it, y'all!! I hope you all enjoyed my story! If you guys want me to do a Q&A with the characters leave a comment down below! As well let me know what you all thought! I truly hope everyone enjoyed reading my story and stay tuned until the next one! 💙

Broken Angel | ✔Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu