Chapter 10

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Two Days Later.



I awoke with a pounding headache, vibrating through my entire body. I didn't want to open my eyes. Everything hurt and I didn't want to open up to my reality. I wanted just one more minute of peace before my brothers or Uncle return to further my torture. 

But as I slowly opened my eyes, expecting the same old four brick walls with the hard, cold concrete floor, and as my senses started to wake up I realized, I'm not in the basement anymore.

I was lying in a huge queen sized bed filled with pillows of all different sizes and an amazing silk sheet under me with a gigantic winter blanket laid over me. 

As I sat up in absolute awe and confusion, I took in my surroundings. The room wasn't incredibly huge but it was very elegant. To my right there were beautiful wooden doors leading to an outside deck with an amazing view of the woods spread out far. There was another door I assumed leading out into whatever this place is and to the left of me a wooden dressed with a big mirror laid on top. 

I couldn't believe where I was. This has to be a dream, I kept thinking; but every time I pinched myself, I didn't wake up back into the hell that was my life. I was still in my raggedy old clothes from when I was in the basement, so I knew this was real. If I really were dreaming, I know I'd have a long wavy sundress on and beautiful open-toed cross sandals. 

I tried to get out of bed but I hadn't stood up in what felt like years so my legs felt like jelly and collapsed onto the bed. I grunted in annoyance as I tried two more times and failed completely. My body was weaker than I thought. 

Where are we? Dexia asked me. I have no clue, Dex. I replied. 

Before I could react someone swiftly opened the door I had originally assumed to be the one leading out and dropped a plate of food. I instinctively whipped my head up and made eye contact with the person. 

Mate! Mate! Mate! Dexia roared with joy. 

She was right. I was staring directly into the eyes of the man I haven't been able to stop thinking about for weeks. It was my mate. We both stood in our places frozen, neither of us spoke a word, we just stared. He was a tall fella, he had to be at least 6 feet tall. He had golden brown eyes, beautiful tan skin, with short dark hair. He also had a nice stubble growing on his sharp jawline. 

He was wearing black skinny jeans with a white tank top that stuck to his body like glue. He's extremely muscular and had tattoos roaming all over his fit body. As I studied him I realized, he was studying me too. Eyeing me from head to toe and suddenly I felt extremely self-conscience and quickly hoped into the bed and got under the covers. 

I barely have any clothes on and they're all dirty! I panicked to myself. 

"G-Go a-away." I mumbled, pulling the covers up blocking the portion of my face below my nose from view. 

My mate hung his head low, but didn't listen to me. He began slowly walking closer and closer to the bed. 

"G-Go away I said!" I yelled with a little more confidence but he still didn't listen. 

He made his way to the edge of the bed and sat down. He turned his side and faced me, looking directly into my eyes. 

"What's your name?" He asked, cocking his head to the right. 

I didn't know what to say. I didn't know how to act. All I could hear were the words my family has repeated to me and instilled in my head all my life. 

You're worthless.

You're a piece of shit. 

You're weak. 

You stupid Mutt. 

Who could ever want you?

You're so ugly. 

No one will ever love you. 

I couldn't speak. My mate's eyes began to sink with sadness. I wanted to say something but I froze. He turned his body, got up from the bed, and began walking out. 

Tell him to come back! Tell him your name! Dexia begged, but I couldn't. It was like someone turned my voice off and I was completely incapable of making any sounds. 

I stared at my mate's back in agony as he left the room, slowly closing the door behind him. 


The second I closed the door, I fell to the floor and was overcome with emotion. My eyes began watering but before it escalated my emotions turned from sadness to anger. I got up and ran outside, transforming into my wolf. I ran and ran and ran as fast as I could and as far. My blood was boiling meanwhile my heart was breaking.

Mate doesn't want us.. Emry whimpered. No.. No, she's just scared a-a-and she doesn't know what to think o-or say. I replied. At least I hope that's the case.. I don't know what I'd do if she rejected me. 

Before long I was at my favorite place in my whole territory. 

It was the pond in the farthest part of the west side of my pack

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It was the pond in the farthest part of the west side of my pack. I found this many years ago at the ripe age of 16. It was surrounded by trees and tall grass, currently since it's December and the snow fall is heavy, the pond has frozen over and everything was white. 

This became my place of absolute peace. I come here whenever I need a break from life. If my brothers and I were fighting, I'd come here. If my Father was riding my ass about being Alpha, I'd come here. This was my safe haven. 

As the snow crushed under my paws, I laid down in my favorite sport and stared at the pond. I slowly closed my eyes and took in my surroundings. I let my walls fall, breathing in and out slowly. Using my super senses I paid attention to everything around me. I could hear the birds chirping, the squirrels running, the frogs croaking all around. 

Nature has always been my escape. It always finds a way to calm me down and allow me to collect my thoughts. And right now, I needed all the help I could get. I know my mate has been through so much but I can't help but feel hurt by her not wanting me near her.. I'm supposed to help her through the pain. I'm supposed to be her hero but she doesn't even want me around..

Emry started sniffing, trying to hold back his emotions. We were in his form now, he was in control and I knew he was hurting. We've waited years for our mate all for her to reject us. I know she hasn't officially rejected us yet, but that's all I can think about. She told me to go away. She didn't even answer the simple question about her name. What else am I supposed to think?

As my thoughts began to stir up I knew it was time to go. I quickly stood up on all fours and made my way back to the Pack House. It's been a few hours now, so hopefully my mate's calmed down and is ready to talk. 

I hope she's ready... I don't know how much more I can take before I finally burst.. I thought to myself. 


Hey guys! Before you get mad at me for nothing really happening in this chapter, it's kind of just another filler before Sin and Bella really start to break down the walls blocking their beautiful bond. I hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for more! There's plenty coming. 

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