Chapter 9

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The picture above is what I imagine the shack to look like. 



My heart was pounding against my rib cage, practically about to burst out of my chest. My wolves and I were nearing the house they say they picked up her scent at. I can't even begin to describe the feelings and emotions that have overwhelmed me. 

I can't stop thinking about what it felt to hold her, to smell her, and what it will be like to do those things all over again and for longer this time. At no risk of losing her. I refuse to lose her again, I will kill anyone in my path to her. No one will take my mate away from me again, ever. 

Within minutes we had finally reached the location of my mates scent and I definitely knew my wolves were right. It was like she had rolled around ever inch of the land, her scent was coming from all directions but I could sense which trail actually led to her. 

This so called 'house' however was not at all like the previous location we had ambushed. The original was much larger, though it was older it was very well intact. It had huge columns along the edges of the wrap-around-deck, supporting the top deck above. It had big, rustic windows and a large pathway. 

This house however, could never compare. It was in the middle of no where and looked like a place an old bitter witch, who spent her life poisoning others and preying on the weak, lived in. I wouldn't even call this place a house, it was more like a shack. It looked like it had been sitting here for decades, collecting dust, insects, and diseases. It was made of old wood that has clearly worn away over the years, due to the weather. The shack looked like it was falling apart, barely able to stand on its own two feet and carry the weight of it's diminishing roof. 

Before I got too carried away in the looks of the shack I quickly directed a few of my Warriors to scout out the place and kill any hostile wolves they came across, while the rest followed behind me into the shack. 

With our guards up, we made our way into the shack. Just as I predicated, this place had collected years of dust. To my surprise, the inside was actually quite spacey and it was clear someone or someones had been staying here. I could still smell their scent here and there, but I wasn't concerned with them. 

There seemed to be two rooms in the far back and what looked to be an old bathroom. Two of my wolves went into each room and they all mind-linked the same thing, "Clear." I went through every room myself and just as they did, I found nothing. Emry started to get restless, as did I. This wasn't going as I had planned and my anger was becoming harder to control. 

As I was about to walk back out of the second room and out into the hall, I tripped on the old raggedy rug. 

What the fuck, I thought to myself. 

I ripped the rug out of its place and revealed a secret hatch in the floor. I mind-linked my wolves, not wanting to reveal what I've found to anyone who may be sneaking around and watching, "I found something! Meet me in the second back room.". Within seconds my wolves rushed in and accompanied me down the hatch. 

She's here! I can smell her! Mate's here! Emry racked in my mind.

He was right, I could smell her and it only made me move quicker. I never expected this dump to have a secret basement but the world's full of surprises. Once I got down the latter I began looking around. I allowed my nose to lead the way and soon enough my eyes were fixated on her small what appeared to be lifeless body. I felt my heart break at the sight. I rushed over to her, kneeled down and scooped her up into my arms. 

I nuzzled against her face, trying to wake her up. She was cold and unresponsive. 

"Wake up, Beautiful. Wake up.." I pleaded. 

After several attempts to wake my mate and she just remained limp in my arms I knew she wasn't going to wake any time soon. 

"Jacob, mind-link Fletcher and tell him we found her and are returning home. I want a room prepared for her before we return." I spoke as I got off my knees and made my way out of the shack. 

As we walked out I whispered into her ear, "I'm here now, Beautiful. I promise I'll never let you out of my sight again." I kissed her forehead and rushed home. 



It's been hours since we rescued my mate and she has yet to wake up. I haven't left her side since I scooped her into my arms. When I make promises, I keep them. I can't let her out of my sight again. I need to be here to protect her at all times. 

"Sin.." Chicago slowly walked in. 

"Sin, c'mon. It's been hours and she hasn't woken up yet. You need to clean yourself up and get some rest of your own. You've been on edge for days. She would want you to take care of yourself." He placed his hand on my shoulder, giving it a slight squeeze as he finished his speech.

"I can't leave her, C.. I can't control what happens to or around her if I'm not there. Look what happened to her already when I wasn't.." I pointed to the bruises all across her face and down her body. I held my head down in shame. 

I should've been there. I should've protected her! I thought to myself. 

"That wasn't your fault, Sin. All that matters is what you do from here on out and smothering her will not help her situation. Clearly she's been controlled her whole life, she doesn't need a clingy, over-protective mate on top of it all. Think, Sin. Think of her." I sighed loudly as I knew the words my second youngest brother spoke were true. 

"Okay, okay. I'll take a shower and have a nap, then I'll come back to her. I don't think I could handle sleeping without her presence." 

Chicago chuckled, "Alright, I guess that's okay." 

As Chicago left the room, I slowly stood up and walked closer to my mate. I leaned over and tucked the hair in front of her face behind her ear then placed a gentle kiss upon her forehead. Before leaving I softly whispered, "I can't wait to officially meet you, Beautiful." And with that, I turned on my heels and walked out.

Broken Angel | ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ