Chapter 8

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I couldn't feel my body. Everything went cold and numb the second I made eye contact with the man I've never personally met but heard many stories of. 

My Uncle Damario was not a man to be taken lightly. He has a very bad reputation that he's worked hard to obtain. He's known as the King of Rogues. He gained that title through brutal force. He's known for torturing anyone who dare cross him or break his rules. He rules his rogues with an iron fist. The stories my brothers have told me of his brutal tortures were the starring moments of my most feared nightmares. He used to belong to our pack, the Dawn Pack but went rogue after he attempted to challenge our Alpha for the his title and lost. 

My Father said Uncle Damario made a vow that day to build his own pack and raise an army to one day take down Alpha Alazar and take control of our pack. I hadn't the slightest clue as to why he would be here. In my prison. Is my Father really that furious with me he'd bring his banished, sinister torturer, King of Rogues, brother to beat me or worse...kill me? 

Surely my Father could never..right? He may hate me but he could never kill me. He could never end the life of his only daughter, could he? 

"Stand up, Bitch." Uncle spoke with a low, deep growl. 

I gathered all the strength I could and stood up. I don't know what my brother injected me with but it sure as hell was strong and made me extremely weak. I could barely feel any of my bones, let alone move them. 

As I stood up my Uncle raised his hand and struck me hard. I fell to the ground once more and cried out. My face was burning and I laid in agony on the floor. 

"How do you like my whip? It's laced with silver." He spoke with great pride in his voice. 

"U-U-Uncle D-D-Damario, p-please don't d-do this.." I begged, holding my face. 

"Oh, so you know me, do ya?" He asked as he whipped me again. 

I screamed and nodded. 

"Well then, you already know how much fun we're going to have." He started to laugh as he whipped me over and over and over. Each time making me scream louder than the last. Blood was gushing down my face and seeping into my clothes. 

It felt like hours had barely skimmed by and he was finally at his end. 

 "I heard you found your mate. How's he doing?" He smiled, as if he knew that would be my trigger. I felt my blood begin to boil. I felt Dexia begin to take over and his eyes lit up with amusement. 

"Struck a nerve have I?" He laughed. 

"Don't talk about my mate!" I growled, as I tried to get to my feet but failed.

"Haha, you can't even stand up and you dare growl at me." 

Whip. Whip. Whip.

"I will make you suffer and you will learn respect! You may think that because you found your mate, you're some how worth something. You're some how stronger; but let me enlighten you. You're nothing but a stupid, weak, pathetic Bitch." 

The beating went on for what felt like days, even months. I know it wasn't, but I'd never been beat like this before and my body has had enough. All I remember before finally passing out was whispering, "Please come save me, Mate...". 



"That's one tough Bitch you reproduced." My brother called, wiping the blood off his hands with a towel. 

"Don't compliment that stupid Mutt. She's nothing but weak." I spat. 

"I don't know, Brother. I've never had a wolf last that long before finally passing out due to the pain. She seems to have a lot more strength than you give her credit for." He replied, sitting down at my dinning table. 

I scowled at him, "Enough with this nonsense! It's time to talk plans.".

"Yes, yes, of course. Leave it to you to change the subject, Mr. Serious." He chuckled, irritating the life out of me. 

"So what are we going to do?" I asked. 

"I say we let her go." He replied very casually. 

"What!?" I yelled, pushing up from the table. 

"What the hell do you mean let her go!?" 

"Please, Brother, do have some faith in me. I am after all, the King of Rogues. Surely, I have reasons behind my plans." He gestured to the chair I had almost broken with my fit of rage and I sat back down.

"We let her go, her mate will find her soon enough and he will think he has won. He'll obviously continue looking for you and your other sons, but you'll be safe with us, until we find the perfect moment when his walls are down to strike back. We'll not only take back Bruno, but we'll capture Bella once again and kill her most precious mate; leaving her in her weakest state and you will be able to take your revenge." He finished and a slight smirk formed upon his lips. 

"See? I'm not so crazy after all, Little Brother." He added. 

"How will he find her?" I asked. 

"I've scattered some of her clothing around the property, we aren't too far from his eastern boarders. I'm well aware his pack is searching day and night for her, one of them will pick up her scent and be led straight here. She'll of course be knocked out from the venom we use to sedate her when he finds her. We'll be long gone, before he arrives but we will not stop watching and planning until we finally make our presence known and take back what's ours." I felt a surge of joy run through my veins. 

This will be perfect, I thought. 



It's been days since my last search and I don't know how much longer I can last without her.. Emry hasn't been the same since she was ripped from our arms... I don't even know her name, I didn't even get the chance to study and memorize her face. 

I felt my body breaking down. With each passing day a part of my soul was chipping away. Each day without her was a day of unbearable pain. I couldn't think straight, I'm finding it harder and harder to focus on my duties as Alpha; but how can I focus on my duties while I know my mate is out there somewhere probably being tortured right this minute? 

Before my dark thoughts could continue, my office doors burst open as all three of my little brothers rushed in. 

"They found her!" Hendrix yelled, clearly out of breath. 

"They found your mate!" Chicago continued. 

I instantly got up from my chair and ran through the door, making my way down the hallway and out the pack house doors. I saw my Beta speaking with my Warrior Wolves down the pathway and I hurried to meet them. 

"You found her!?" I pushed passed Fletcher and spoke directly to my lead warrior. 

"Yes, Alpha. Just passed the eastern boarder, Alpha." As soon as the words left his mouth the heaviness that had been weighing on my chest since the moment she was lost from my sight had begun to lift. 

"We didn't storm the house yet, Alpha. We wanted to report back to you and wait for your command." He finished. 

"Well what the hell are we waiting for? Let's go rescue my mate!" I exclaimed. 

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