Chapter 5

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My brothers rushed down and began shoving their clothes in my face.

"Put these on, now!" Blanco demanded.

"And put your walls up!" Bernardo yelled.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked.

"Rogues are in the territory, we have to mask your scent. They may sense a female ready to come into matehood." Bruno replied.

My eyes widen and I quickly put the clothes on and put my walls up, not wanting another beating nor another wolf taking what isn't his.

"Thank you.." I said quietly.

"Don't thank us, Mutt. We're only following Fathers orders." Blanco spat out.

"Right..." I replied, trying to fight back my tears.

The boys went back upstairs and I was left alone once more.

My birthday is tomorrow and any hope I had of escaping this place and living a life with my mate were gone. I tried so hard to stay positive but we're now in the middle of no where... How can my mate find me now?

I began to cry and felt my wolf begin to break down as well.


Three Days Later.



"Alpha." Fletcher spoke behind me.

"Yes? What is it, Fletcher?" I asked.

"Alpha Alazar would like to speak to you about the personal matter his pack is facing. He already briefed the others after the rogue attack."

"Sure, send him in. And speaking of the rogues, have they given a reason as to why they attacked our pack boarders?"

Fletcher shook his head no and headed out the door just as Alpha Alazar came in.

"Have a seat Alpha Alazar. What can I do for you?" I said as Alazar sat down.

"Come on Sin, enough formalities." He chuckled.

"Alright, alright. What's up Zar?"

"Well, it's not extremely top radar but I recently had a pack member ask me if he and his family could leave the community grounds to stay in a more secluded country area...."


"Alpha, Barto Garcia is here to see you." Beta Ezra spoke.

"Send him in." Alazar replied.

"What can I do for you, Barto?" Alazar asked.

"Well, Alpha. My family and I just haven't been the same since.... Since Maria passed and it's becoming extremely hard to stay in our home that holds so many memories. I was wondering if you would allow my family and I to move into one of the pack houses in the country area. It'd be greatly appreciated, Alpha." Barto explained.

Alazar thought it over for and second and proceeded to give his answer, "No.".

"No? What do you mean no?" Barto blurted out.

"I mean no, Barto. Those areas are training sections only and have been known to have many rogues trying to stir up trouble. I will not let my pack members who aren't Warriors in training go into such risky territory. I'm sorry."

Barto pushed out of his seat and scowled at the Alpha. "I understand." He said gritting his teeth then stormed out.

End of flashback.

"Well, he defied my orders and left anyway without anyones knowledge. I know it doesn't seem like much but my gut just says something bad is going on." Alazar finished.

"I understand. I'll tell my Warriors to keep a look out and report back if they smell any unknown wolves and I'll do a few scouts for myself."

"Thank you, Sin. I've known that family a long time and I just wanna make sure the kids are safe."

"I completely understand. Thank you for your visit, it's been great to see you again." I said as I brought Alazar into a hug.

"Likewise, Sin. I'll see you at the next meeting." Alazar said as he waved goodbye and left my office.

I mind-linked the Warriors, my Beta and my brothers letting them know of the situation and what to look out for.

We'll start up a search in a few days. I wanna make sure this bastard isn't on my land. I spoke through the link.

Yes, Alpha. The pack replied.


1 Week Later.



It's been a week and a half since my birthday passed. I haven't felt anything concerning my mate so I've been kind of depressed.

Currently, I'm in the kitchen preparing breakfast for my Father and brothers while they sit back and watch football. I roll my eyes at the game, I've never understood sports. I've always wanted to but no ones been around to teach me so the whole thing just annoys me.

"What's taking so long, Mutt?" Blanco called from the livingroom.

"I'm almost finished!" I yelled back.

Tonight I was making my special Chicken Alfredo with a side of peas, baked potatoes, and brownies as a desert.

Just as I was about to serve the food the front door busted open and around 10 wolves came crashing in. They went after my Father and brothers. An entire brawl broke out and even I ended up being pushed to the floor, though I didn't put up a fight so there was no need for any extra force done to me. Suddenly a strong sent it mint filled my nostrils. My eyed widened as I felt my wolf begin to freak out.

I stood up, to see my Bernardo and Blanco had shifted along with two of the other wolves and were ruining the whole house. I begin searching around for this incredible scent and as soon as I faced the doorway to the hallway that's when our eyes connected and it hit.

We both spoke the same word I never thought I'd ever hear, "Mate.".

Broken Angel | ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon