Chapter Three

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Ever since Isla was young she loved music. It was and still is something she obsessed over. There was a rush and high unlike any other when she would harmonize, sing or play any instrument. No amount of rollercoasters, and Isla adored rollercoasters, could recreate how she felt when she sang. Isla would have dreams of tunes and melodies and wake up singing. Her room was filled with an assortment of instruments. The day Nona said it was her gift, Isla laughed in her face – hard.

"Nona, how can singing be my gift? I thought your gift was supposed to protect you in some way." She smiled and cupped her granddaughter's face in her hands. "You my darling girl are the one." Isla just rolled her eyes and continued to hum in their expansive living room.

Nona had been saying Isla was 'the one' for as long as she could remember. Looking back, her dad always hated it when she said that, but Isla never knew the story behind it. She just thought he disliked Nona playing favorites.

Isla didn't believe Nona. She couldn't see how singing could be a power until the 5th grade at the town fair. Isla decided to sing a song that, like many others, came to her in dreams. She was nervous signing up, but knew if she just let go and gave in to the high it'd be okay. The music was what she always heard in her dreams, but the words were what flooded her once she awoke. The song was a piece that made her feel tranquil. As she sang Isla saw nothing and felt everything. It was a full 5 seconds before Isla opened her eyes to a standing ovation. Everyone was standing except her Nona who grinned and mouthed "the one."

That night everyone tried to reach her and tell her how beautiful her voice was, how gifted she was, but most importantly how at peace that song made them feel.

"Why do you look like that?" Arlo asked knowing the answer, her then four-year-old self still too wise for her age. "She looks like that, because she felt at peace while she sang and managed to get a crowd of 350 people to feel the same emotion she was feeling through her singing." Nona could've patted her own back if her daughter, Margot Devereux, hadn't rolled her eyes. "You did wonderful sweetie. I'm happy that your powers have manifested in such a beautiful way."

Isla knew what that really meant. Their mom was saying 'I'm so glad your powers are good and not destructive like mine.' Margot Devereux was a Siphon. Siphons are witches who don't exude any of their own magic, but rather have to feed from other supernatural beings and things to perform magic.

It used to be considered the supernatural version of leprosy, but now there are so many workarounds that it's no longer as taboo. Margot, like the few other Siphon witches in their family and coven, wear a magical necklace that allows them to siphon power from it. The jewelry allows them to use magic without harming another supernatural being.

The night of the talent show Isla felt so free. She felt like she was floating. Nona and her mom made it a point to not share with her that she had actually started floating in her sleep like some Black Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Isla wouldn't find out about her evident changes until a faithful day in 12th grade PE.

Coach Chablis was a major thorn in Isla's side. She had it out for the entire senior class and treated them like crap. It was one thing to go running around and doing laps, but Coach Chablis went over and beyond to ensure one or five of her senior students were throwing up after a horrific run in the scorching August heat.

Isla could not deny that she was in the best shape of her life, but she didn't remember signing up for it to happen by any means necessary. "I'm going to die, La." Stevie Langford panted. Stevie was Isla's best and longest friend. Their mothers were best friends, their grandmothers were best friends, so naturally they liked to say they'd been best friends since utero.

Stevie was human, but she knew more about the supernatural world than Isla did. It was well known that the Langford family was rooted deeply with the Devereux family. What came from fearful nights of escape to a faithful encounter with a Langford were generations of Devereux and Langford friendships.

Nina believed their ancestors cast a spell to ensure the Langford women had girls like the Devereux line did. Arlo thought that was a sweet sentiment as they could all have a best friend. Fact was, they all did. Edie and Moira Langford were inseparable, while Arlo and Zoe Langford were thick as thieves. They all loved how interconnected their families were and had been for generations. They enjoyed having a friendship with a human that was versed on the supernatural side of things.

"You're not going to die," Isla panted. "I won't let that happen." Stevie looked at Coach Chablis as she berated a freshman boy about his running style. "This is ridiculous!" Isla huffed. She could feel herself getting angry. It was as if hot lava was running through her veins. I wish the ground would just swallow you whole.

Isla remembered seeing what she saw and then the deafening screams that came afterword. "Oh my goodness! Coach!" Juniors and seniors alike started to gather and dig out the dirt that just kept sinking. It took Isla a few seconds to realize she was the one who had done it. Please spit her back out. And just like...well magic...out came flying Coach Chablis in one muddy piece.

Gym was cancelled and Coach Chablis was rushed off to get examined. The remainder of the day teachers tried to inquire who could've cast such a spell. O'Hara High and every other school in Ravenswood had their magic disabled. A spell cast by Misty Devereaux and the women of the Charmed coven at that time was placed to ensure that students were focused on education and not their supernatural abilities. The moment one set foot on any campus their magic was gone. Well, should be.

"You okay?" Stevie asked with a concerned smile. "Of course. Just glad we're not running." Isla chuckled to hide just how freaked out she was. The fact that not only was she able to perform magic, but one so powerful and unknown was frightening. Thankfully her next period was her last for the day. Isla couldn't wait to rush home and get some answers.

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