Chapter Twenty-Six

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The bonfire was in full swing as high school students and some college students littered the woods. There were beers and red solo cups all over the place and music thumped throughout the woods thanks to a warlock named Jace who was the resident DJ. It seemed that all eyes were on them, specifically Isla, Grey and Paxton as they walked deeper into the woods.

"I'm going to get us some drinks," Petra called out as she made her way to the coolers. There was an area for dancing, but mostly people were just talking amongst themselves. "You okay, babe?" Grey asked Isla as he could feel her anxiety. "I just have a bad feeling. It's nothing."

They found some oversized rocks to sit on and watch as the party went on. Petra got a beer for everyone, but Isla barely sipped hers. She scanned the crowd until she came to a vampire that she vaguely remembered. He was in college now, but still had a boyish look to him. "Come on let's dance." Stevie said grabbing her by the arm. "Fine." Isla rolled her eyes and then laughed as Numb by Rihanna featuring Eminem began to play.

The girls grinded and rolled their hips as Isla sang along. She was unaware that all eyes were on them including that of a vaguely familiar vampire. "If you keep dancing like this I'm going to have to take you home sooner than later," Paxton said from behind her as he grabbed her waist and pulled her into him.

Stevie began to grin at her best friend until she felt hands on her own waist. She was about to push whoever it was off until she heard him whisper in her ear. "Happy to see you won't just dance with anyone," Derek said before placing a kiss behind her ear. The simple move caused her to shiver and he felt it and smirked.

The four danced for two more songs before Stevie announced she was going to get drinks. Isla, Derek, Paxton made their way back to the large rocks where Grey and Petra were talking. A few minutes had passed and Isla still couldn't find Stevie until she heard a scream over the music.

Isla was running deeper into the woods before Paxton or Grey could stop her. She came to a clearing in the woods and saw that vampire feeding off of Stevie who looked paler than she should. "Volant." Isla said in Latin and the vampire went flying into a tree across from them. Isla ran to Stevie who laid unmoving on the ground. "Stevie!" By this time the gang had joined them and took in what they saw.

"Is she?" Isla said through tears. Petra was the first to react and hyper sped to them. She bit into her wrist and placed it on Stevie's mouth. "I need you to drink, Stevie." At first there was no movement causing Isla to sob louder, but them Petra felt her tongue flick her wrist and she began to suck. "She's drinking, Isla. She's going to be okay."

The exhale let out by Derek could be heard by all. They were so relieved to hear that Stevie was going to be okay that they had forgotten about the attacker until he began to move. "You pack a powerful punch, witch." He chuckled coming to a stand. "I should kill you right here and now," Derek bellowed as his throat began to glow a flaming red. The vampire hyper sped towards Derek, but Paxton grabbed him by the neck before he could reach him. The assailant was strong and older than Paxton, but for some reason Paxton was able to hold him back with ease.

Paxton looked at the vampire's eyes and knew something was wrong. "What is it?" Grey asked sensing the shift in Paxton's demeanor. "Something is wrong with him..." Paxton began. "...he's on something." Isla held Stevie's hand and looked at them. "Like what...a drug?" Derek made his move towards the vampire. "I don't give a fuck what he's on. I'm going to kill him!" His eyes began to glow the most vibrant green. "Derek, don't." Isla said standing. "Can you please take Stevie back to my house and tell my grandmother what happened?" Derek looked at her like she was crazy for stopping him. "Please, Derek." Isla sighed. "She needs you now." Derek looked in her eyes and realized she knew about them. He nodded and made his way towards where Petra and Stevie were.

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