Chapter Thirty-Three

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Isla whispered a spell and the lights were back on. They could see heading their way an army of vampires and apparently less than a dozen witches. "My goodness," Nina said looking at the Alphas and Betas nearby. "It's them, isn't it?" Kai inquired. "Who?" Edie asked confused. "Evan Pavlov and Adrian Pavlov." Isla spoke up. At the sound of their father's name Petra was at Paxton side in an instant.

"Well this is a fine welcome," Evan announced. He knew which was Isla Devereux in an instant. Her body exuded power and he was going to have her. He was shocked however to see the boy he knew to be his grandson standing guard protecting her with his fangs bared. "Now, grandson, is that anyway to greet dear ole grandpa?" He questioned with his arms stretched out. "You are not my grandfather," Paxton spat out. "Oh, such hostility. This won't take long dearies. You can go back to your little party after I get what I'm owed."

"And what is that Evan," Nina spoke up looking directly at the man she practically grew up with, "Nina Devereux, I must say you look great. Old age hasn't found you yet, huh? Or is this what happens when a witch kills an innocent man! You just get all his youth like a Sanderson sister." He barked causing Nina to laugh. "There was nothing innocent about your father, Evan! If you don't see that then you're just as deranged as he was. We will not let you take over this town!" Just then Margot started gasping for air. "What are you doing, Evan?" Nina screamed. "You see, I didn't want any bloodshed tonight, but my followers don't carry that same sentiment. My witches don't like when I'm disrespected, Nina."

"Stop it! Please!" Isla cried out. Evan raised his hand signaling to someone behind him and immediately her mother was breathing again. "I don't want to take over this measly town, Nina. Oh, see my father was thinking too small back then." "What do you want?" Isla asked frightened. "Ah, someone who gets it. What I want dearie is quite simple. I want you."

At this declaration, Paxton hissed and Grey growled as they pushed Isla further behind them. The vampires behind Evan and Adrian barred their fangs and hissed causing the Ravenswood vampires and werewolves to stand at attention as well. "It really doesn't have to come to violence people. Isla, you will come with me and I will let everyone here live." Evan said matter of fact.

With a wave of her hand, Isla sent all of the children, teens and humans to the Alpha mansion in Bane's Manor. She sealed the doors for protection. Isla knew there was going to be a fight, because there was no way she was going with the likes of Evan and Adrian Pavlov. "So, this is how you want it to be?" Evan smirked. "So be it!" He exclaimed signaling for his followers to attack.

In an instant, werewolves and vampires were flying everywhere. Isla watched as vampires on both sides sustained injuries. It was apparent the Ravenswood vampires did not want to kill, but the Pavlov vampires did not get the memo. There was blood pouring on both sides.

Witches cast spells of offense and defense on both sides and she watched as her mother, grandmother and sister fought hard against the enemy. Isla turned to see Andersen rip thru a vampire's neck, while Niklaus and Alaric bit two vampires and left them on the ground to die in minutes. A werewolf bite to a vampire was the equivalent of drinking the most lethal of poisons.

Isla knew she had to keep her head in the game and not let fear take hold. Grey and Paxton were still protecting her, but four vampires were stalking towards them on each side. "I'm going to let Riel come out and protect you, okay?" Grey winked making her smile.

In an instant, where Grey once stood was a black wolf larger than any wolf Isla had ever seen. Riel was bigger than when she first saw him that faithful day in the Enchanted Forest. He snarled at the four vampires encroaching on them and they looked legitimately scared. With a quick lunge all four vampires were impaled on Riel's teeth. He spit them out and headed towards three vampires cornering his parents.

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