Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Was the coven upset? Scared?" Isla asked nervously. "On the contrary, they were proud of you and excited for what it meant." Nona spoke up after putting her cup of tea down. "How can they be excited? According to Otha, some big battle is brewing and that's all that we know."

Margot could tell her daughter was frustrated and that type of unstable emotion was not something an orb needed to exhibit. "They're just hopeful, honey. They are on board and ready to fight whatever is coming. We are all going to start practicing defensive magic in the next coming days." Isla nodded in understanding. "Your relationship with your mates has made it all around Ravenswood," Edie smiled. "Of course it has."

"This is a good thing. We will have the support of the wolves and vampires more so than anything, because now they know who their future Alphas will be." Isla looked at her Nona shocked. "Grey and Paxton will be the new Alphas when Nicklaus and Andersen step down?" Nona nodded. "The mates of an orb if from the same species always become the Alpha and Beta, but in this case they will both ascend to Alpha." Isla sighed at the responsibility she forcefully placed on the loves of her life.

A feeling of sadness washed over Grey as he sat down for dinner with his family. 'Isla.' He thought to himself as his mother tried to pass the mashed potatoes. "Are you okay, Grey?" Tallulah asked worriedly. "I'm okay. It's just Isla. She did this spell with me and Paxton so we could be connected and know when the others are in danger, but I think it lets us feel every emotion. She's really sad right now."

Tallulah looked over at Kai and sighed. "The witches had some big coven meeting, so did the vampires, dragons and wolves." Kai stated. "Why didn't you tell me? I should've been there." Kai nodded. "You were with your mate, which is far more important." He informed giving Odin a chicken tender. "The ent is very respected here. He had a fairy representative come and speak to each of us about a battle that is coming."

Grey was sitting at attention at the mention of this. "There are vampires that are coming and have nothing but nefarious plans for Ravenswood. We don't know when they will show, but they are not to be underestimated. Your focus is to protect your mate. You can do that first and foremost by mating her." Grey looked down at his plate not really wanting to have the sex talk in front of his mom and toddler brother.

"We have a plan for that, Dad," Grey exhaled. "Do we know anything about these vampires?" Kai exchanged a look with Tallulah. "We just know they are powerful and are amassing an army of vampires to do their bidding." Grey took the newfound information and made it a point to talk to Paxton about it. "Enough war talk," Tallulah said with a smile. "You going to tell us why you got detention?" Grey groaned as he recanted the events of the day.

Paxton laid on his bed thinking about his conversation with his twin sister.

"You should have seen the group. When Anders told them, you were going to be the future Alpha people were shocked, but mostly hopeful and pleased mainly because we are nothing like grandfather or great-grandfather. A lot of the vamps our age seemed happy." Petra smiled. "Mom would've been proud, Pax."

He looked at his sister and gave her a smile. "I don't care about all of that though. I just want to keep Isla and Grey safe." Petra wrinkled her nose. "Grey?" Paxton laughed at her expression. "It's weird, but today was a really good day for us. We had each other's backs and this spell Isla did – I just feel closer to him. He's like a brother almost." Petra shook her head and sat beside him.

"As long as your brother knows if he screws you or Isla over, I'm ripping his spinal cord out then we're all good." Paxton laughed heartily at his sister and hugged her. "The vamps are a little bit worried about this threat coming since they are also vampires." Petra said softly. "Did Anders offer any information other than that?" Petra shook her head. "He just said to be practicing defensive and offensive moves, because a battle is coming."

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