Chapter Nineteen

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The abandoned cabin on the outskirts of Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin was hidden by an exurbanite number of trees and bushes. It made for the perfect lair for Evan and Adrian Pavlov. Adrian sat on the loveseat across from his father's "throne" as he watched Shari and Mallory grinded on one another. He loved them both so much, but couldn't fathom how they weren't his mates. He never felt this way for Amelia, although he could acknowledge that her blood was fine wine in comparison to theirs. That's how he knew she was his mate, but other than that there was nothing. 'There was nothing because you turned it off,' his mind supplied. He shook the thought and glanced around him.

His father and him were well on their way to amassing an army of vampires. The number of new vampires that were being created was happening at an exciting rate. Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa and Illinois were already under their control. Vampires in all four states were heavily addicted to XS and willing to do whatever was needed to get their hands on it. Adrian was thankful for the coven of witches he had under his thumb to do his bidding as well as mass produce the drug. They were currently trying to work on a new drug that would make all supernatural creatures susceptible to compulsion, but was slow on finding a solution. He would need to threaten them and their families again to see results.

"You're brooding again," Shari smiled down at him as she sat in his lap. He chuckled at the mocha skinned beauty in front of him. "Just thinking of my master plans." Mallory sat behind him. "Heavy the head that wears the crown, my love." They began kissing his neck and he hummed. He brought his fangs down on Shari's neck and she moaned in approval. "God, I fucking love you." He said looking into her dark brown eyes that almost looked black. When he looked at her, really looked at her, he could see his daughter. He tried not to think of them, but they looked so much like their biological mothers. "You're doing it again," Shari pecked his lips before licking her blood from the corner of his mouth. "Brooding." He sighed as Mallory bit into his neck. He grabbed a fist full of Shari's afro and kissed her passionately.

The current scene in front of Evan pleased him, Vampires in a large, drug-influenced orgy and it was glorious. Everyone of them was at his or his son's beck and call. As he sat in his makeshift throne he watched as his son fed on his favorites Shari and Mallory. The two women were a sight to see. Evan tolerated them for their looks and the fact that they would do anything and everything for his son, but most importantly for assisting in furthering his legacy by giving him grandchildren. He was determined to meet them one day. He would have his family back together, he might even include his do-good brothers, and together they would rule the world.

His father thought small. He just wanted to control Ravenswood and overthrow the Devereux witches. He wanted to rule everyone and he would if his plans worked accordingly. He would have a massive vampire army who would feed on humans to be at their absolute best. They would overtake other supernatural creatures and sit at the top of the food chain as was intended.

Evan was so lost in thought that he didn't notice the pixie making her way towards him. "You must be thinking about something good with that grin on your face," she purred. Evan's guards stopped her from coming any closer. "And you must be extremely bold or stupid for speaking to me directly," Evan retorted. He looked her over and noticed his interest peak. "What can I do for you, pixie?" She smirked as she came closer to his chair. "The question is what can I do for you?" Once again, Evan's interests were peaked. He motioned for his son to follow him as he walked to his office in the back of the house. The pixie was hot on his trail.

"Who is this," Adrian purred wiping Mallory and Shari's blood from his lips. "My name is Celeste and I have news that you both will want to hear." Evan motioned for her to take a seat across from his desk, while Adrian propped himself up on the windowsill behind his father. "I have heard that you are wanting to take over supernatural creatures in the hopes to control...well everything," Celeste began. "Is that so? And where did you get this information," Evan coaxed. "I know people who know people." She coyly retorted brushing her long, blue hair to her back. Her many intricate tattoos on full display for both to admire. "If what I've heard about your plans is true then I have the key to making it happen much faster than either of you could imagine."

At the promise of supernatural domination, both Evan and Adrian were all ears. "Do you know what an Orb is?" Celeste asked knowing they knew what she spoke of. "Yes, we do." Evan replied thinking back to the stories from the surviving hunters from the Ravenswood battle. "Yes, so you know that their power is unmeasured." Celeste nodded. "What if I said you could have an Orb of your own to control and make your wildest dreams come true?" Adrian was skeptical so he spoke first. "How do you know about such an Orb if one exists?"

Celeste smiled. "Like I said, I know people who know people. There is a new Orb in Ravenswood, Isla Devereux, who is young and will be turning 18 in a couple of weeks. Isla does not yet know how to control her powers, which makes it that much easier to capture her. I don't know how you would control her, but she is the key to you dominating the supernatural world, getting control of the vampire territories and being the kings you so clearly want to be." Adrian looked to his father and then back at Celeste. "Why are you providing this information? What's in it for you?" Celeste smiled as she made her way to the door. "I get what all pixies want in the long run, complete and absolute chaos." And with that she transformed to her true size and flew away.

"Father, this is huge!" Adrian was still shocked at the news given and what it meant for them. "We have to be careful with this. Isla is very much so the key we need to make all vampires, all supernatural creatures, bow at our feet. Taking her away from those Devereux witches will be the sweet revenge they deserve for taking my father away from me." Evan stood up in deep thought. "Yes, we will make a trip to Ravenswood with our finest soldiers and take what is rightfully ours." Adrian smiled at his father. 

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