Chapter Thirty-Two

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Evan and Adrian Pavlov took twelve fully loaded SUVs on their trip from Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin to Ravenswood, Massachusetts to ensure that the small army of vampires and eight witches under his rule were in route. The 18-hour drive was the best alternative for them as flying would bring too much attention to them. This was going to be a simple grab and go. Despite his nature, Evan didn't want blood to be shed. He just needed Isla Devereux to come with him and all would be well.

Celeste had proven herself to be a worthy ally. She apparently had a pixie on the inside of Ravenswood that had gotten the necessary ingredients needed to make an opening in the protective barrier spell cast over the town. They were literally going to walk in there and take what they wanted. They had the element of surprise on their hands. Everyone would be so busy with the Devereux birthday party that they wouldn't see them coming.

He worried about seeing his grandchildren for the first time under these circumstances. If Adrian wasn't so stupid to leave those kids they wouldn't be in this predicament. He knew Amelia did what she could, she reminded him of his mother in that way, but it made the children weak. Out of his three brothers, he was the only one to turn out like their father and he considered that a shame. His father was the strongest man he knew and deserved a much wider legacy than the one he had.

He needed the Devereux witch, but maybe Paxton and Petra would follow him as well. He could dream, but his priority was obtaining the girl. He had everything he needed to ensure things would go his way. The fact that the girl was so young, unmated and powers on the fritz all worked in his favor. This was going to be the beginning of his rule and he would kill anyone who got in the way.

"You never told me why we brought him along?" Adrian motioned to the chained man with a bag over his head sitting behind them in the truck. "We can't show up to a birthday party empty handed. I have a feeling our little birthday princess is going to love this gift." Evan grinned.

Isla stood in front of the mirror looking at her reflection. She couldn't believe how beautiful she looked. Stevie had done her hair in the most exquisite of updos that complimented the tiara perfectly. Edie did her makeup so stunningly that she had to do a double take when she saw herself. She was dressed and ready to go, but her Nona and mother insisted she stay back and go with them. She knew they had something to tell her, but she didn't know why it couldn't wait. "We'll see you at the party," Edie smiled as she and Brendan made their way out of the house. Arlo was already there with Stevie, Zoe and Moira.

"Can we go now?" Isla asked a little impatiently. "We will go soon, just come and sit with us for a minute." Isla huffed as she plopped down on the breakfast table chair and stared at her mother and grandmother. "I know you have been feeling something, Isla." Nona began. "Because I've felt it too. The Pavlov's are coming and we're not sure how big or bad this whole thing will be." Isla stared at her grandmother. "You sound like Otha. He said I needed to be ready." Nona shook her head. "I haven't felt like this since the war and I'm frightened." Isla knew it was serious, because Nona was never frightened. "Whatever it is, we'll handle it together," Margot spoke up grabbing her mother's and daughter's hands. "We believe in you. Now let's go celebrate, baby." She smiled.

Edie and Stevie had rented out the park in Charmed Circle and decorated it with stringed light and white balloons galore. There was food and drinks for children and adults, as well as, DJ Jace set up near the dance floor. Isla couldn't believe her eyes that all of this was for her and she was beyond grateful. "Let's welcome our birthday girl!" Jace announced as all eyes were on Isla. She smiled, waved and most importantly blushed from the attention. She looked up she saw Grey in an all-white suit with rose gold handkerchief. Standing beside him was Paxton in a navy-blue suit with rose gold handkerchief. She couldn't help but swoon.

As she made her way through the crowd towards them, she could hear the compliments so clearly thanks to her heightened hearing. She could also hear the sneers of jealous girls wondering why she got to be mated to not one but two of the hottest guys in school. She chuckled inwardly at that and finally found herself in front of the loves of her life. "You look amazing," Paxton smiled pecking her on the lips. "Thank you." "Yeah what he said," Grey stated not hiding the fact that he was checking her out. Isla smacked his arm and looked around some more. "Can you believe this is all for me?" Isla was still in shock.

"You deserve it, love." At the nickname, Isla looked back and knew she would find a pair of golden irises staring back at her. "Hi, Riel," She smiled giving him a kiss. "Hello, love. I wanted to wish you Happy Birthday since I didn't get to yesterday. I hope it's been everything you want it to be." Isla nodded and kissed him once more pulling away to see brown eyes staring at her. "You have to let him out more, you know?" Isla admonished. "You say that now, but he's better when he's let out in doses." Grey chuckled.

The DJ began playing Beyoncé and everyone moved over to the dance floor. Isla pushed Stevie over to Derek as she danced with Grey and Paxton. She noticed that Petra was dancing with blond girl from her History class and smiled. Her mother and Nona seemed to have been enjoying themselves, while Edie and Arlo danced together.

It seemed as though everyone in town was here and she was beyond happy that the park was large enough to host them all. She saw Grey's parents by the food table, along with the Alphas and Betas of every fraction sitting and drinking among themselves. Isla was happy. Everyone she loved and cared for were present to celebrate her and she never wanted the night to end.

"Where is your little pixie connect?" Evan grounded out as they had been waiting at the town's edge for 15 minutes. "She'll be here. Relax." Celeste instructed earning her a glare. "If we are spotted before we get in this town, I will kill you – slowly." Just as he was about to step closer to her, they saw a pixie flying towards their direction. "You were saying," Celeste taunted. "Angelica, what took you so long?" Celeste said to the pixie. "I had to take care of the Ent," she shrugged issuing them to move back.

She took the ingredients needed to lower the spell, the blood of a Devereux witch that she got that faithful night she pulled off Isla's bracelet, fairy dust she stole from the hospital and the heart of Otha the Ent that she cut out moments before, and created a door with the mix. Just like magic, the spell was lowered and they were able to enter through the doorway made.

"Well done, pixie." Evan nodded to Celeste and made his way into town. In followed his son Adrian, 8 witches from the coven Evan and Adrian were tormenting and 200 vampires all hyped up on XS and compelled to do whatever it was Evan or Adrian said. "The party is in Charmed Circle. You'll hear the music as you get closer into town," Angelica instructed flying above head. "Thanks so much, Angie!" Celeste smiled as she followed Evan and his followers.

Isla was dancing and having a good time and then instantly she felt dread like no other. She looked to her Nona who she knew could feel it too. "Babe what's wrong?" Paxton asked grabbing hold of Isla's arm. "Something is wrong." In that moment the music was turned off and the lights were shut off. "What the heck," Grey asked. Then he heard it. The sound of snarling hit every vampire in attendance and their fangs were at attention. Grey and Paxton instinctively got in front of Isla. All the wolves in attendance were at high alert, canines bared, shielding the rest of the party goers.

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