Mad Hatter 2 |

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You sip your warm tea and cleared your throat, looking at the obviously strange crowd before you. Wherein you were sitting at an abnormally long table with different animals who were talking, yet again, for you— it was all normal.

"Before we start our ceremony, I am the cheshire cat-"

"Wait a minute, who gave you permission to start the ceremony?!" A little mouse complained with its little sword.

"I was the one who's suppose to start it-" The twins yelled in chorus.

"Enough!!" You hollered back, slamming down the table for their attention. "I told you guys I would like to find the man with the red hat, but instead you brought me here to a tea party! How could I possibly see him again? I waited years for a shooting star to come-"

Before you continued, a hand grabbed your figure and pulled you up to turn you. Your tearful eyes widened in shock to see the man with the red hat.

"I heard you were looking for me." He says, slowly loosening his hold. He looks at your eyes and furrow his brows to see it with so much emotions being held.

"You didn't change a bit." You bitterly laughed.
"Shall we start the tea party?" He changed the subject. Your smile turned into a frown when he just went pass through you to sit down.

You looked behind you and saw everyone with big eyes.
"I - uhm- I guess you should take a chair." One mumbled, but you heard it just fine.

"Thank you." You said, sitting down beside the hatter.

"And now again, I was late, my deep apologies to everyone. I am Mad Hatter and I am glad to start our tea ceremony." He raised his tea cup while everyone cheered and mimicked his actions.

You rose the tea cup for a second before drinking it in one gulp. You laid the cup down with a slam and looked at the Mad Hatter with a creasing forehead.

"What's the matter?" He asked with a monotonous tone.

"Why didn't you care a bit?" You said.
"Because I know we'll never be with each other." He slammed the table down making everyone jolt.

His eyes retracted to its size while he clear his throat. "Start the music."

The big white rabbit hopped to the awfully big speaker and turn a mellow music to dance. The speaker was huge, but our ears can handle.

"Time to dance!" The cheshire cat twirled its way to the green field dancing with everyone in it. You looked at them with emotions wrecking you down.

It was like
you sacrificed everything
for nothing.

"Would you like to dance with me?" A calm voice asked. You looked up and saw a hand begging you to grab it back and take his offer.

You said no word and hesitantly took the hand. A small smile took over his face as he led you to the dance floor.

"First," He held your left hand and raised it to your eye level, grabbing your ring finger. "this has to come off when you're with me."

He threw the diamond ring given by your husband from the neighboring kingdom.

"Will do." You replied with a smile, the small wrinkles on your eyes slightly showing. The Mad Hatter cupped your cheeks, leaving you no choice, but to look into his soft gaze.

"You age so gracefully, (y/n)." He complimented as your heart pounded wonders.

"And you didn't age at all." You joked, slightly punching his chest, he quickly took it and lace it with his fingers.

"I would like to grow old with you." He held your waist and waltz with you. You laid your other hand on his nape and brought him closer, making your foreheads touch.

"Then grow old with me."

The music was loud while everyone danced, but when you're with Hatter, all you hear was the sound of your beating hearts.

"Na Jaemin." He suddenly uttered. Looking at your eyes after.

"What a beautiful name." You said, closing your eyes to feel every sway. "I don't want to wake up."

Jaemin looked at you with soft eyes, bringing his lips closer to your forehead and giving it a small kiss.

"I'll wait for you." He smiled.

"I love you." You said before opening your eyes to see yourself in bed with your husband. Your eyes widened as you sat up and scrambled to get your slippers. Before you could walk, a hand on your wrist stopped you.

"It's late at night, where are you going?" Your husband asked, rubbing his eyes.

You gulped and slowly looked at him.

"I need to go, Renjun." You calmly said.
"Okay, come back if you start missing me." He arrogantly said before throwing your hands away. He turned to his side and started sleeping again as you scoff.

"Then it means, I'll never come back."


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