fratboy!jaehyun 🍒

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You groaned, almost in the verge of crying.

You were in your bed and your next door neighbor was blasting off loud music in the middle of a friday night.

For the past 3 hours, it has been like this and you weren't having any of it.

You flung your feet on the ground and stood up, walking towards the window and rolling it up.

You saw his bedroom window closed and the people were crowding his place and raising their red cups in the air.

"Hey!" You screamed, but no one seemed to notice even when the whole neighborhood probably heard it.

"Jung Jaehyun!" You hollered again, but still, loud rock music ripped your eardrums apart.

You swift around and glanced everywhere to think about the next plan. You saw a tennis ball lying around your room. You picked it up and throw it at his window just to pick up his attention.

The tennis ball flew and broke Jaehyun's window into pieces of shards. Your eyes widened, hands slapping on your mouth with a gasp.

The people stopped to murmur, as well as the music. They all set aside and your heart dropped when Jaehyun finally showed up.

The little strands of his hair was pushed back by the cap, regular black shirt and some ripped dark jeans.

He looked down on the broken window before shooting his glare at you. You jerked up, frozen there with wide eyes.

Jaehyun lingered his stare at you as you melt in embarrassment. He turned around and shouted at the crowd, raising his beer up in the air and they easily mirrored his actions.

"That was it?" Haechan looked at you with raised brows, arms around his folded legs. "He didn't do anything?"

You lifted your head up and looked back at him. Pouting and scratching your head while thinking.

"Yeah." You nodded, laying down on the blanket. "I think so. I was surprised too."

You watched as the trees above you rustle from the wind. Haechan fiddled with the grass in front of him.

"Are you sure that was it? I have a bad feeling about this, you know?"

"I don't know, Donghyuck." You covered your face with your hands and sighed. "I feel like anytime he can-"

"Yo G!"

You and Haechan jolted, sitting straight and looking up at the voice.

Your eyes widened when you saw your bag being zipped open.

"Watch me make her things rain!" The guy from the 3rd floor of the university building shouted.

You looked behind you and saw a couple of guys laughing their asses off.

"What a jerk." Haechan mumbled, eyes narrowing.

You stood up and frantically ran inside the building to catch your belongings. The necklace your mom gave you was there. Your monthly allowance was there.

Tears brimmed your eyes, but you kept on running until you reached the elevator. You didn't see, but you knew your best friend was following you and the people around are watching.

You jammed the buttons, until the elevator doors open. You raised your head up and saw Jaehyun laughing with his frat members.

You clenched your fists, and when Jaehyun saw you— his smile faded. You swung your fist on his cheek and he was threw aside by the impact.

The members behind him acted fast, covering Jaehyun and looking at you with blown eyes.

"Now, we're equal." You spat, the people gasping.

You turned around and saw Haechan had the same expression as the people. You linked arms with him and dragged him out of the campus without looking back.

The people didn't hesitate to mind their own business as Jaehyun was still shocked from what happened.

The elevator closed since no one was going out. It soon ascended and Johnny looked at their leader.

"You okay, Jae?"

Jaehyun snapped back from his trance, his fingertips rising to touch his bruised cheek. It was a searing pain and it marked his porcelain skin.

He bursted into a huge laughter, looking up and smiling like an idiot until his dimples sunk deeper.

The members looked at each other, eyeing at Taeyong when he was shaking his head.

"He's happy to see his crush up close."

Their teasing bubbled at the back of their throats, and some even gave Jaehyun faces.

"That boy who tossed her things outside the 3rd floor window wasn't even one of us." Mark slapped his thighs, giggling his ass off at the mistake.

Jaehyun sighed, a smile still lingering in his cherry lips. He stood up shortly and shoved his hands in his pockets with a huff.

The elevator door opened and they finally went out of it. Jaehyun's facial expression had changed into a cold one.

The people glanced over them, some are even scared to block their way.

He slid the doors open, looking left and right as the members stood behind him. The boys who threw your things earlier sat there with wide-eyes— just like the rest.

Jaehyun poked his inner cheek with his tongue.

"So which one of you messed with her?"

"So which one of you messed with her?"

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