Tanned | l.hc

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hi luvs !!! i hope all is well. 

I'll keep my promise and update White Night c.3...thank you for the support and love! :)) please leave comments below because I always read your comments!! I hope everyone stays safe and healthy and don't forget to wash your hands. ily all <33


tan . \tan\

-beat (someone) repeatedly as a punishment.


"Yell at me again, and I'll give you a real reason to scream."

You look at him with wide eyes, shocked by his sudden words.

He continued to stare at you with a piercing gaze, immediately putting you in silence. He resumed his actions into serving the mixed drink he made to another waiting customer. 

You didn't say a thing, afraid that you'll receive another threat from the bartender. It just so happens that you're too drunk to even notice that you've been aimlessly shouting around.

He was a complete stranger, and you're just here to celebrate you birthday all alone.

"If you're not gonna order anything, you can just go hook up with some guy rather than occupying a vacant seat for the customers who really wants a drink."

"Excuse me?" You were drunk alright, but those words offended you. He rolled his eyes and started taking orders from customers nearby. 

You scoffed and hopped off the stool. Your vision's blurry and the slurry sound of the club echoed in your ears. 

"Hey, do you need help?" A guy said.

You lift your head up and saw a man, staring you down with a freakish smile. He offers his hand and when you shook your head and went pass through him, he grasps your wrist to the point where it hurt.

"What do you want?!" You shouted. The bartender took a glimpse at the familiar voice and saw the current scene that was happening.

"Just a single night won't bite." He continued to fake his smile. You shook off his hand, but he slaps you right across the face making your head sway.

When you were about to slap him back, the nearest crowd gasps, a fist landed on the man's face. His cheek bruised with blood on the ground as he coughs out a cuss.

Your wide eyes found its way up to the bartender who just saved you. His eyes burning with disgust rather than anger as he took your wrist gently and dragged you out of the club through the back door.

He roughly threw you outside as you stumble in your heels. You watch him close the door and turn to you with a pissed out look.

"Don't ever let a guy treat you like that, understood?!" He said. 

You look at his deep brown eyes, down to his boopable nose and perfect pair of lips. His tanned skin glowed very nicely under the moonlight's touch as he stares at you, waiting for an answer.

"Thank you." You said.

A small comfortable silence greeted the both of you as he continued to stare at your revealing clothes. He took off his jacket and placed it around your shoulders. Looking into your eyes as you sober out.

"Donghyuck. Lee Donghyuck." He pulls out his hand for you to shake as you gladly accepted it.


 You both paused for a second, the alley empty and dark, his eyes darted to your lips that you often bite so quickly when your nervous.

"If you bite your lip one more time, I'm going to do it for you." His voice so sultry it made you purposely tug your lower lip with your teeth again.

Without hesitating, he push you to the rough surface of the alley and attached his soft lips on yours. Tugging your lower lip roughly making you whimper in pain. He caressed your cheek and brought your face closer to deepen your contact with his skin. He breathed out heavily as he held you so warmly, the breeze being replace by his warm breath fanning by your ear.

He placed his lips softly on your ear and chuckled.

"Happy Birthday. I'm surprised you didn't remember me."

Your eyes horribly widen as Donghyuck pulled out a small knife from his pocket while being in his touch.

 You just now recognized the voice of your 2 years long stalker.


sorry, my wig flew. reload snatched it.

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