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"Rise and Shine!"

The small blonde girl in her bed rolled over onto her stomach and groaned.

Her sister waiting for her to get up nudged her in her bed.

"Eliza." She shook her sleeping sister who once again groaned in response and swatted away her hands.

"Elizabeth Annabelle Cullen! Get your butt up right now!" Rosalie Cullen growled at her sister.


Rosalie was shocked for a split second before grabbing the pillow that was thrown at her and hitting her sister with it.

"Rose! You hit harder than I do!" The blonde girl sat up in her bed and glared at her older sister who just smirked in response.

"Maybe you should get up when I tell you too then." She smiled at her sister and stood up. "Alice picked out your outfit for you hurry and get dressed Esme made you breakfast."

The second Eliza heard the word breakfast she was out of bed and in her bathroom getting ready for the day. She stood at her bathroom mirror, closed her eyes and took a relaxing breath of air. When she opened them her gold eyes stared back at her and she smirked.

Using her vampire speed she quickly got dressed and ready for the day and sped downstairs to the kitchen to see her mom putting a plate down on the table.

"Good morning Liza." Her mother, Esme kissed her head.

"Good morning mom. This smells great!" She picked up her fork and immediately started eating the food her mom had made her.

"As it should since your mom is the one who made it." Her dad Carlisle entered the room and kissed his wife and his youngest daughter on the cheek.

"Were going to go hunt for a little while so you're going to have to go to school by yourself until your brothers and sisters arrive." Eliza playfully glared at her dad but understood that it's what they had to do.

Eliza wasn't completely a loner she did have other friends outside of her siblings but she never really hung out with them because she stayed with her family the people she's known for almost her entire life.

"Yes dad. I understand but can someone drive me?" She asked before shoving more food into her mouth causing her parents to laugh at her.

"Yes your mom will. Now finish so you won't be late." He walked out of the room leaving his wife and daughter alone.

"Won't be late my butt," she muttered to herself, "I'm the only one who shows up."

"We heard that!" The voices of her family minus her mother shouted to her from different parts of the house.

"Curse your dumb super hearing." Esme laughed and took away the now empty plate.

"Go get your backpack honey." Eliza nodded and walked out of the room to see her siblings looking at her.

"I will fight you all."

"I'd love to see you try baby sister." Emmett Cullen suddenly appeared next to her and ruffled her hair.

Eliza knew what her family was because she was a half vampire. No one knows how it happened but when Eliza was sixteen she was on the verge of death. Rosalie and Esme pleaded for Carlisle to change the young girl into one of them but he didn't know if it would work. She was too close to death. Finally when she awoke from the change happening she still had her blue eyes and smelled like a human. After years of practice she could channel her vampire side with ease. Along with being a half vampire comes her powers.

"Ready darling?" Esme fixed her daughters hair and slightly shoved her son Emmett away from Eliza.

"Yes mom." She stuck her tongue out at Emmett who let out a booming laugh that echoed around the house.

"I'll see you all at lunch?" She asked before turning around to face her siblings.

"Well duh!" Alice Cullen answered in response making her mate laugh slightly.

"I love you all please be careful." Eliza and Esme Cullen left their home and made their way to Forks High School.

Her Gold Eyes / TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now