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"Let's go hunting!"

Eliza needed to feed on animal blood just like her family but not as often because of her only being half vampire.

Emmett jumped up, "I'm in!"

"We have that field trip today!" Alice called out to Eliza.

"Who cares? We've been to that place so many times already. And besides it's about that time for me to hunt anyway." Eliza looked to Rosalie since she already had Emmett on her side.

"Fine I'll go." Rosalie sighed.

"Yay! I'll see you guys later!" She hugged Alice, Jasper and Edward before racing outside. She heard the laughs of her family before being joined by Emmett and Rosalie.

"Race you." Emmett smirked.

"You're on."

After hunting for a few hours the family went home to clean themselves off. Emmett and Eliza has gotten in to multiple competitions and both were covered in animal blood when they arrived home.

"Alice is going to kill you." Esme said smiling at how her daughter looked.

"I know I gotta hide!" Eliza ran upstairs to her bathroom and immediately discarded her clothes and showered as quickly as possible.

When she came back down fully dressed and dry she smelled the heavenly smell of food.

"Food!" She raced towards the kitchen bumping into a few of her family members along the way. The second she sat down and saw the spaghetti she yelled back to her family, "sorry but you were in the way of me and my food! Love you!" She immediately begin eating and dancing in her chair.

"I swear where does all that food even go?" Emmett asked as he stared at her from across the table.

"Exactly." Edward appeared with a chuckle.

"Her metabolism is good. That's why she looks the way she does." Rosalie spoke from behind Eliza

"Like a princess!" Alice piped in sitting next to Eliza.

"Yeah a princess." Jasper scoffed. This gained him a smack on the back of his head from their mother, Esme.

"Don't talk to your sister like that." She scolded him.

"Can we watch a movie please?" Eliza asked. She went over to the sink and washed her plate and fork before setting them in the drying tray they have off to the side.

"Don't pick a romance movie!" Emmett yelled at her as she left the kitchen.

"Oh hush! You know you loved the titanic! Just admit it!" Eliza called back to her brother.

Before she could even sit down the couch was taken up by each of her siblings.

"That's so not fair." She huffed.

"Should've been faster baby sis." Jasper smirked at her.

"Oh yeah?" Eliza quickly jumped into the air and landed on him. Alice grabbed Rosalie and pulled her away from the couch before Eliza could make her landing.

"Eliza!" Jasper tried to push her off but she was holding on as best as she could.

"Say sorry!" She screamed as she held on to her brother.

"For what?" Finally she was easily picked up by their brother Emmett and placed down in a sitting position on the couch.

"Behave. I thought I was the childish one." Emmett laughed while ruffling his sister's hair.

"Whatever." She mumbled to herself before finally picking a movie for them to watch together.

Her Gold Eyes / TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now