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"I know what you are."

The animal took a step towards the girl and she took a step back.

"You're a person who can transform into a wolf willingly." She spoke to him.

What are you it growled at her.

"I'm not what you think I am." She held her hands up in defense.

What. Are. You.

"Okay if you could actually have a conversation with me that'd be great. Could you please just change back? You could definitely do more harm to me than I can to you." She stood her ground wanting to talk.

How do I know that?

"Just trust me will you?" She spoke through gritted teeth. The animal huffed and took a few steps backwards.

Eliza waited for a few minutes before a boy appeared in nothing but shorts and shoes. He crossed his arms in front of his body and stared at her.

"Much better." She smiled and put her hands down.

"Who are you?" He asked again.

"Straight to the point aren't you?" She sighed and sat down the grass. "I'm Eliza Cullen."

He immediately started shaking and she stood up.

"I promise I'm not a vampire. At least a full one at that. If you could just call down that would be great." Somehow her words calmed him down and he stopped shaking.

"How did you?"

"Don't know so don't ask. Listen. I'm a half vampire. Somehow when I was on the verge of death my sister Rosalie found me and begged our father to change me. I don't know what happened but when I woke up they said I had blue eyes but every time I would accidentally use a trait from my vampire side my eyes turned gold. None of us know what I am exactly just that I'm a half vampire and half human. My vampire side only comes out when I need it to. It's under control. I only drink animal blood every month or so but I survive off of human food mainly. It's actually my favorite thing." She laughed which caused him to let a smile slip from his mouth.

"So, I'm Elizabeth Annabelle Cullen. A half vampire. And you are?" She held her hand out for him to shake.

"I'm Jared. Jared Cameron. I'm a werewolf. And I don't know if I'm supposed kill you or not because I don't know if our treaty includes a half vampire." He shook her hand and let out a small laugh.

"You should probably run that by your Alpha. Because honestly I don't even know." Eliza shrugged her shoulders in response.

"I'll see. Hope I don't get killed by my own brother." He joked.

"I hope not." She giggled. "You're pretty cool. Maybe we could be friends."

"Maybe. It might be hard though since we're like natural born enemies and stuff." He scratched the back of his head.

"Sounds about right." A loud howl was heard throughout the meadow.

"I have to go. I'll see you around and hopefully it's not to kill you." He winked at the girl who let out a laugh.

"Hopefully not. It was nice meeting you Jared!" She waves and he took off running back where he came from.

Maybe not all vampires are bad.

She heard his thought causing her to smile. Before he got out of range she sent him a message.

You're not so bad yourself Cameron.

Alright so I know that Jared doesn't become a werewolf until new moon but just for the sake of this story hes already a werewolf along with Sam Uley.

Her Gold Eyes / TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now