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"I love you honey I'll see you at home."

Esme called to her daughter who turned around and blew her a kiss goodbye. She could hear her mother laugh at her as she drove away from the high school.

Eliza fixed her dress before reaching into her bag and pulling out her headphones. She started listening to whatever came on but kept it low so she could hear if other people were talking about her or her family.

'There's Elizabeth Cullen', she heard someone say well more like thought. She was like her brother, she could read minds but unlike her brother she could also move objects with her mind as well. She always claimed to be the more gifted in the family and says that she inherited most of her traits from being around them for too long.

'One of the most hottest girls in the entire city' Another voice appeared in her head.

'I wonder if she'll ever notice me.' This was a voice that she often heard thinking about her or any other girl in the school. Mike Newton.

She looked in his direction when she heard her name being called. She could practically feel Mike's nervousness when she turned.

Angela was the one who had called the Cullen girl's name. Eliza quickly shot her a smile and continued walking towards their high school wanting to throw her bag in her locker and not deal with people.

Once she walked in she was immediately hit by another body and fell to the ground along with the person she bumped in to.

"I'm so sorry!" The girl's voice spoke as she stood up.

Eliza wasn't mad but she was annoyed. She looked up at the girl she bumped into.

"I am so so so sorry. I just wasn't looking and I don't know where to go and-" Eliza started giggling at the girl before taking the girls hand and pulling herself up.

"No worries I'm not mad or anything. Just be careful because you might bump into someone who's not as nice as I am." She playfully winked and the girl visibly looked relieved that she didn't make someone angry on her first day. "I'm Elizabeth Cullen but please call me Eliza or Liza. Either is fine. And you are?" Eliza held her hand out for her to take.

The new girl placed her hand in the Cullen girl's and shook it. "I'm Isabella Swan but please call me Bella I don't usually go by Isabella that much." Eliza nodded in understanding.

"So since you're new how about I show you the office?" Bella's face immediately lit up.

"That would be so great. Thank you." Bella sighed in relief since she didn't have to wander around lost for too long before she found the way she had to go.

"Not a problem. Let's go!" Eliza grabbed onto the new girl's arm and led her in the direction of the place she needed to be.

Her Gold Eyes / TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now