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"Wake up."

Rosalie shook her sister awake slightly and for once Eliza didn't fight it.

The Cullens were up all night getting a plan together about what to do and how to lead the tracker away from Bella.

"Get dressed we have a plan to put in motion." Before Eliza could blink her sister was out of the room.

Eliza got ready in a matter of minutes and rushed down to grab the jacket to mask her scent with Bella's.

Rosalie took hold of her sisters hand and the pair took off running to the forest to try and lead James away from their brothers mate.

"Mark the tree." Eliza stopped and rubbed her shoulder on the tree following her brothers orders.

"Good. Let's go." Edward and Emmett had caught up to the two sisters and were doing what they could to get the tracker to follow the human's scent before he knew that Bella was out of the city.

After a few minutes of trying to deceive the tracker Edward stopped us.

"He's figured it out." Rosalie and her sister looked at each other.

"So what do we do?" Emmett asked his brother.

"Head home. Now." The siblings raced home and let their parents know what was happening.

"Eliza you stay here." Carlisle was already heading towards the car.

"What?! Why me?" She screamed.

"Because you're the youngest and the most vulnerable. You need to stay here." Emmett, Edward and Carlisle hopped in the car and started to drive off.

"This isn't fair you know!" She yelled after the car.

"We're going to watch Charlie please stay out of trouble." Esme kissed her daughters head and left with Rosalie to the Swan residence.

Eliza knew she could help but both parents didn't want her in on any action so she decided to call up the friend she thought she could talk to at the moment.

"Hello?" The boy answered.

"Hey Jared. Can you meet up?"

"Yeah. I'm on my way." The pair hung up on each other and both left their homes to hang out.

"So your family is going against this whole ass vampire and decided to leave you behind?" He asked as he ate a piece of chicken on the plate in front of him.

The pair met up at a restaurant in Forks. "Yeah but Rosalie and Esme are still here in Forks. They're watching over Chief Swan." She took a fry, dipped it in ketchup and shoved it in her mouth.

"Well aren't you all just an eventful family. Maybe we should step in." He suggested to the girl.

"No. No. No!" Jared looked shocked at her reaction. "Look I know you're all strong and very powerful but it's just that my family doesn't know that I'm friends with a werewolf and honestly my sister Rosalie would so not be happy about it if she found out. I mean look at the way she's reacting to Bella. And that girl is nothing but Human." Eliza tossed another fry in her mouth.

"All I'm saying is that it would provide more protection for Charlie." He rolled his eyes.

"And I understand that believe me but I can't allow you to get involved when this isn't your fight to win. We Cullens are very smart and will do what we can to ensure the safety of others." Jared just nodded but continued eating.

"I see you brought a shirt today." Eliza joked to her friend.

"Well I figured not everyone is very worthy of seeing all the handsome under this shirt so decided it was the best thing to do. Plus people would think I'm crazy because it's cold." He took a big gulp of his drink and let out a burp.

"Yeah they would. Sorry not everyone has the body temperature you all do." She laughed.

"Yeah yeah. I'm just blessed with this body and you know it." Jared threw a fry in her direction but she quickly caught it with her hand and shoved it in her mouth. "Hey that was mine!"

"The second it left your hand and flew in my direction it became mine. Now stop acting like a baby you're causing a scene." Eliza looked around and saw one person she recognized. Mike Newton.

"Oh great." She muttered. She put her head down in an effort not to be noticed by the blonde boy but he already made his way over to the table.

"What?" Jared asked with a mouthful of food.

"Mike Newton. Wannabe player very in love with me and Bella. Hey Mike." She stopped talking and acknowledged the boy who interrupted her hang out time with her best friend.

"Hey Elizabeth." He greeted before turning to the buff tan guy he didn't recognize. "Sorry I've never seen you around. You are?"

"Jared Cameron. A close friend of Liza here." Jared smiled at her causing her to almost let out a laugh.

"Oh really?"

"Mike do you need something?" Jared asked standing up. Jared was a few inches taller than Mike which allowed him to tower over the guy.

"I-uh-n not really just wanted to say hi and introduce myself." The Newton boy said his goodbyes and left back to his seat across the restaurant.

Jared sat down and continued eating. "What was that?" Eliza asked laughing.

"He was getting annoying. How can you be friends with a guy like that?" He asked glaring over at the blonde boy who was still staring at the two.

"I'm not. Trust me. I've gotta go my mom wants me home soon. Thanks for hanging out with me today." Both Eliza and Jared stood up and hugged each other.

"No problem. What are friends for anyway? And if that guy bothers you just call me, I'll be there to give him a 'talk' to get him to back off." Eliza laughed and playfully pushed her friend away.

"I'll see you soon Jared."

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