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"Hey Bella!"

Eliza Cullen appeared and scared the human girl, who jumped back in surprise. "Woah, you okay?" She asked in concern.

The Swan girl had just left the front office after hearing what the Cullen boy had said in an angry tone.

"Yeah I'm fine. Hey, what's up with your brother?" She looked around to see if she could find him.

"No idea. Why? Did something happen?" Eliza looked at the girl in concern.

"No. Not at all. Just seemed strange that's all."

"Well that's my brother for you. I just wanted to check and see how your first day went and all." Eliza waited for the girl to answer her.

"Oh, it went cool. Not really exciting or anything." Eliza smiled at her new friend.

"Well that's good. I'll see you tomorrow then." Eliza Hugged Bella and left the hallway to go find her siblings.

"Let's go baby sister!" Emmett called out to Eliza. She smiled and ran at normal speed to her siblings who were waiting on her. She jumped in the back of Rosalie's red convertible while her brothers hopped in Jasper's Jeep. Together the six went home blasting music and racing.

"Mom! Dad! We're home!" Eliza yelled to her parents as she stepped in their home.

"I could've told you that." Jasper joked as he pushed passed his sister.

She quickly picked up the nearest object and chucked it at his head. Luckily he caught it in time.

"Keys? Really?" Jasper laughed at her.

"Curse you and your speed." Liza yelled at him before taking off towards their kitchen. Esme met her halfway with a plate of grilled cheese and redirected her daughter to the couch where she could also work on her homework.

"Hey Edweird! What'd you do to make that new girl upset. She said you were acting strange." Eliza took a bite out of her sandwich and looked at him.

"Nothing. Her smell just got to me. I had to leave." He explained.

"Makes sense. I think she likes you." Alice gave a high pitched squeal making Eliza drop her sandwich out of her hand and back on her plate. She then threw Alice a glare along with Rosalie who was upset about her reaction to Eliza's sentence.

"Alice!" Both girls hissed at her. Alice rolled her eyes in response and turned to Edward.

"I've seen it. You've seen it. It's only a matter of time Edward." He shook his head and left to his room.

"Jasper help me with this will you?" Eliza called to her brother.

"What is it?" He appeared on the seat next to her and looked over her shoulder.

"Why don't you ever ask me for help?" Emmett asked Eliza offendedly.

"Em, I'll ask you for help when it has something to do with Gym or sports. Right now unless you can tell me who did what in the Civil War then go ahead and be my guest." She slid the papers across the table to him and he just slid them right to Jasper.

"No thanks I'm good." He sat down in front of the tv and started watching whatever was on.

Rosalie sat next to Eliza and started braiding her younger sister's hair as she and Jasper were talking about the Civil War and everything that happened between the years of.

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