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"Hey little sister."

Eliza turned to see her brother Edward appear behind her.

"Eddie!" She hugged him tight and laughed.

"How was it?" She asked him.

"I killed a bear." Emmett answered putting his arm around his younger sibling.

"I should be good for a while. These people don't smell as appetizing anymore." Jasper gave a thin smile.

Eliza laughed at her brothers. "Don't you look adorable!" Alice appeared and hugged her sister.

"Alice you just saw me this morning. You literally picked out my outfit!" Eliza pointed at her.

"Okay but in my defense I didn't see it in person just in my vision." She held her hands up in surrender to her younger sibling.

"Come let's go to the cafeteria." Rosalie grabbed her husband's hand and opened the doors to enter the area all the other human kids were at.

Alice and Jasper went in next followed by Eliza.

She had a smile on her face when she saw Alice get twirled by jasper who was also holding a tray of food for his younger sibling that does eat.

She then overheard a girl talking about Eliza's family.

"That's Eliza Cullen. The youngest and certainly one of the best looking people by far. After me of course." Eliza held a straight face but once she saw the way Rosalie rolled her eyes and played with an apple she laughed getting the attention of the gossiping girl and her friends.

Eliza's attention turned as she saw the new girl Bella sitting with them. She gave a wave and smiled before sitting down with her siblings. Jasper slid the plate of cafeteria food in front of her and Rosalie handed her the apple she was playing with.

"For you." She offered.

Eliza laughed and took the apple from her sister's hand. "Thanks."

They overheard the same voice again talking.

"She seems really nice but she sticks to her family."

"She is nice though. And really smart, she helps me in class when there's something I don't know. I'd be surprised if she's not the number one student in the school." Angela spoke to her group.

"Yeah she helped me out this morning. She seems pretty cool." Bella swan spoke up, "who's that?"

Eliza and her family turned to see their brother Edward coming in. "Here we go." Eliza grumbled already tuning out of their conversation.

Rosalie scoffed as she heard the most annoyingly preppy girl in school talk about her brother who finally decided to join the rest of his family.

The Cullens continued chatting until Edward tensed up gaining the attention of the entire table.

"What is it Edward?" Eliza asked her brother. He was holding his breath and wouldn't stop staring.

He didn't speak a word so she entered his thoughts.

Her blood.

Eliza followed his stare and saw the new girl Bella staring at him as well. She looked like she felt uncomfortable and looked away from the Cullen boy.

"Great." He muttered making his whole family stare at him in response.

The bell rang finally and the Cullens stood up and made their way to their next classes.

Her Gold Eyes / TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now