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"Hey stranger."

The boy called out to Eliza as she appeared in the meadow they first met in.

"Hey, what's up?" She sat down next to him and started playing with the flowers.

"Just needed someone to talk to. The wolf pack gets mad annoying sometimes. Food?" He offered her some grapes and she happily accepted them.

"The pack huh? How would they get annoying? Aren't you all family?" She tossed a grape into her mouth and awaited her new friends answer.

"There's no such thing as privacy! Like I know they're my brothers and all but I swear they're just everywhere. I would like to just relax and not hear their voices for once." He sighed and threw himself back onto the flowers.

"I'm sure they're not that bad!" Eliza spoke as she continued eating her grapes.

"Oh trust me they're bad. What about your family?" He asked the young girl.

"The Cullens?" She was shocked, why would this wolf want to know about her family?

"Well I mean yeah, you hear me talk about the pack all the time I'm sure you know who they are just by hearing about them. So tell me about your siblings." He stared at her.

She hesitated at first but began speaking. "Well it all started with Carlisle he created all of us and we have him to thank for us being the family we are. Carlisle was with the Volturi for a while. They are basically like royalty for us. If anything threatens how we live then they step in before we could ever be exposed. He turned Edward first because the Spanish influenza killed his family and it almost killed him." Jared kept his eyes on her as she spoke.

"Jasper was already a vampire by this time because of this woman he thought he was in love with. Esme tried to kill herself and Carlisle turned her. Next came Rosalie, she was left for dead by her then fiancé. I'm glad she killed him before I was born because I would've ripped his head off myself for what he did to her." Eliza growled remembering what Rosalie had said that her fiancé and her friends had did to her.

"Calm down Eliza." Jared spoke to her. She didn't know why but she didn't want to hurt him. He was her friend and she didn't want to lose him.

"Next came Emmett. He was almost killed by an animal when Rosalie stepped in and saved him. Together they became inseparable. That was until I came along of course." Eliza smiled to herself.

"I was sixteen when I was turned. My mother had left my father and I when I was ten and since then he turned to alcohol and drugs. Since we lived in a small town he had to keep up his image. I don't know how he did it but he did. One day he beat me until I couldn't breath. He had left me for dead in the streets. Thanks to Rosalie though I survived. She saved me, took me to Carlisle where her and Esme begged him to save my life before I could die. But when I awake we thought something was wrong."

"Your eyes." Jared had remembered her talking about how she woke up with Blue eyes instead of blood red like every newborn vampire does.

"Yeah. They were still their normal color which shouldn't have been because I was supposed to have changed. We thought it was too late but it wasn't. Now I can control my vampire side at will and I can use it to my advantage." Eliza smirked to herself.

That's so cool.

Eliza kept talking. "Alice and Jasper showed up at our door one day. Alice knew exactly where we were and how we lived each day. She was excited to join us but it was harder for Jasper because he had been drinking human blood for the longest time. It was all he knew. He's still learning how to keep his thirst under control."

"So you said Alice knew exactly where you guys were. How?" Jared pulled out an apple and tossed it to her. They could eat the same amount of food and still look the way they did.

"Alice can see the future. Some of us are gifted. Edward can read minds. Jasper can control moods. We always used to joke about how Rosalie was gifted with being the most beautiful person to have ever lived and when she was turned it was only enhanced." Eliza sighed as she thought about her family. No doubt they'd question her as soon as she got home.

"What about you?" Jared asked her as he finished his snack.

"What about me?" Eliza looked shocked.

"Well do you have some sort of power?" His body turned to fully face her and she hesitantly nodded. "Well what is it?"

She waited a second before holding her hand out and slowly lifting it up. Jared could see the earth around him moving but he didn't know exactly what was happening.

He looked at her and saw her gold eyes staring back at him. "Look down."

He did as she said and saw that the ground wasn't underneath them anymore. Instead they were a few feet off the ground causing Jared to gasp in shock. She slowly placed the pair back on the ground and laughed at his reaction.

"I'm also like my brother. I can read minds but only when I want to or when a thought is pointed at me. My brother reads minds without trying. I choose when I can and when I want to." She stood up from the ground and offered a hand to her friend.

He placed his hand in hers and stood up.

"I have to go. It's getting late and I told my family I was going to be back soon. Text me and let me know the next time you wanna just talk or hangout." She stayed in her position before hugging him quickly and leaving. "See you later Jared."

The boy just chuckled to himself and disappeared into the woods.

Her Gold Eyes / TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now