Chapter 30

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Elizabeth (Wayne's late girlfriend and Autumn's mom) on the side.

Ebony's POV

"Ebony... Ebony." I heard a British voice call me.

I woke up to see ElizabethShe smiled as I rubbed my eyes.

"How's the pregnancy?" She asked . "Its pretty good so far." I sad smiling.

"Ebony, I need you to promise me something." She said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I know Wayne has cheated on you and kept secrets from you but please whatever that Trevor guy is doing for you, Wayne can do it even betterWayne was the one that helped you out with everything and  What did Trevor do ? Absolutely nothing but fight and say rude petty shit. " she said.

When I thought about it she was right, Trevor barely did anything for me but Wayne has been there since.

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