Combat Training

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Just to let everyone who doesn't know.
Round face: Uraraka
Ponytail: Yaoyorozu

Bakugou's POV

After Deku, Raccoon eyes, Icyhot and everyone else ahead of me won the combat battle it was finally me and round face's turn. We of course had a few minutes to plan our strategy. All I needed to do was blast some explosions and win the math. But I know not to underestimate pink cheeks.

No doubt Deku was trying to help her find away to beat me. It would be useless though. Raccoon eyes and ponytail came up to me. Mina with a big smile on her face.

"Bakugou!" She said, "We just want to wish you good luck with Bakugou v Uraraka number 2!" I looked confused.

"Because of your fight at the sports festival. You won to Uraraka and I bet she is going to go all out so be prepared." Ponytail told me.

"I'll take that bet." Mina replied.

I wanted to say thanks but that would just seem weird with how my usual personality is so I just shrugged and said,


"Good luck again!" Mina said and walked away with Yaoyorozu following close behind.

We had a few more minutes before it was time for us to fight and I used those minutes to think of a plan.

When it was time we walked out into the city area. The goal was to take the opponent out by causing minimum or no damage to the area around us.

Uraraka's POV

When All Might gave the signal Bakugou immediately flew at me using his explosions. I ducked and touched some of the rocks on the ground, making them float. He tried to fire an explosion at me from behind but I miraculously dodged it. He landed on the ground and fired another explosion, this time it was a bit slow and din't have as much power. I could use that to my advantage.

I ran over to Bakugou to try and touch him, make him float. He wouldn't be in control of his body then.

He dodged. I tried again and this time I was super close. I tried one more time and I got him. He started floating up in the air. I could see the confusion on his face for a few seconds and then he..he adjusted to it? He looked calm and he smirked.

He used his quirk to push himself towards me. How did I forget to take his quirk into consideration? It doesn't matter, I can still win this! As Bakugou flew closer to me I started to run. He was chasing me.

"Are you a scaredy cat now or something? Come on fight me!" He yelled. I kept running, getting faster, determination probably showing on my face.

I stopped to take my breath. The pile of rocks I had recently touched still in the air. Bakugou had seemingly forgotten about them as he was flying closer to me.

"DIE!" He yelled and threw an explosion at me. As he did he got under the pile of rocks and I put my fingers together and let the small rocks drop down and pummel him like hail. I was hit by his explosion in the process and flew into the wall behind me, causing it to crack a bit in the process. I fell to the ground but the explosion wasn't that big, again, so I just stood back up and resisted the urge to wipe some of the dirt off of my hero suit.

I looked in Bakugou's direction and see he's still up, obviously. The rocks were just tiny pebbles you could use to possibly skip with or rocks on the ground at random cities and parks.

I looked at Bakugou and got into a fighting position again, my face filled with determination. He isn't moving. I stay where I am. He still hasn't moved.

"You're gonna pay for that." He finally says. His voice a low growl. He starts to walk towards me and I tighten my fists. He lifts his hand up to make an explosion and he collapses.

"Bakugou?" I ask. He hasn't moved. I wait a couple of seconds but he still doesn't get up. I let my guard down slightly and run up to him. Still he hasn't moved.

I ask again, "Bakugou?" He doesn't get up or anything. We weren't even fighting for a full five minutes and even then he wouldn't be down that easy. Something had to be wrong. There was no way on earth this was Bakugou. I tapped his shoulder and looked at his face. His eyes were closed. He was unconscious.

All Might's voice blares from the area him and all the other students are watching. The match is over. I won. Bakugou still didn't get up. Both me and Bakugou ended up going to Recovery Girl. Neither of us had any broken bones so she just told me to rest. Bakugou was still asleep.

I took a nap as well and Recovery Girl told me that some of our classmates had visited, to see us and to get checked because of their fights. After class was over Recovery Girl let us go and by that time Bakugou had already woken up. We changed back into uniforms, because we were still in our hero costumes. We finished at the exact same time and walked to the dorms side by side, an awkward tension and silence between us. I decided to break the silence.

"Good job in training today, Bakugou." I smiled.

"Whatever." He said. I wanted to ask him about what happened, with the rocks, but decided against it.

"What happened today," He said, "Was just a off day for me. Next time you're going down." I smiled wider at that.

"Can't wait!" I gave him a thumbs up. We entered the dorms and that's were our conversation ended. Almost everyone was waiting for us to get back, they were worried. I stayed and talked with everyone while Bakugou just said he wanted to go to bed and left. A few of the other classmates following him because they were tired and only stayed because they wanted to see if Bakugou and I were okay.

After a few hours of hanging with Mina, Tsu, and Jirou, I finally decided to go to bed as well.

"Goodnight!" I waved as I stepped into the elevator.

Word Count: 1071

Hope you enjoy! Stay safe and do your schoolwork, if you're still in school.

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